Hasbro Clone Helmet Conversion

Oh look, heres the face plate with a quick blast of primer to help show up any uneven areas of which there are quite a few :lol: This is the stage that requires patience, sanding, filler, sanding, primer, filler etc.....(y)

EDIT: Ok having trouble uploading pictures at the mo, will try again later (y)
try try again!! here she is with a few in progress shots of trying to get a nice contour to the front, with the filler I'm using its been a bit of a pain getting it all smooth, think its there now though! And a shot with a coat of primer (y)



hey headless, any plans or willingness to adjust the helmets of other people who don't have the skills to do the same? *oh please oh please oh please*
Joe that looks killer bruv...
I know what you mean about running out of a paint! it really does my head in! :wacko

Are you gonna use Halfords appliance paint for the lid? ;)
Well.....I 'might' look at getting a few copies made of the helmet depending how good the finished article is (y) But yeah eventually good old Halfords Appliance Gloss White :lol:
Update ****

I've started tackling the main seams of the helmet now, I used devcon epoxy to glue the helmet together, its great stuff really strong, stinks to high heaven so again please use in a well ventilated area!!! kitchens do not count....;) Also got myself some more primer, were getting there, think I'm about 50% done on this now and still loving it (y)

I have yet to finish all the detail bits but I am following screen grabs of the clones, like this one (y) the holes needed to be left unfilled so I could screw the thing back together before epoxying it

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