Rangefinder circuits, official sign up thread

Any "ballpark" time frame on when you'll be asking for payments on run 5? Just want to know so that I can make sure that I load my Paypal in enough advance to reduce wait times... I really detest the week wait time when you add funds. :/
I am hoping for maybe mid next week to start run #5. I am finishing up the last few paid units for run #4, waiting for my shipment of parts with more blue LED's to finish up some. Should hopefully have that shipment tomorrow.
I will PM you guys when I complete run #4. I don't like to ask you guys to pay until I am ready to do your run, and avoid making people wait for longer than necessary after payment.
Forgot to say I got mine last week. I made a hollow RF to fit it and will be molding it up soon. The blue lights looks great on it, thanks.
Well... this run came up faster than I anticipated. :eek:

I've already PM'd you mrgr8ness, I'll have my payment Paypal'd to you as soon as I can.
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I would like a self contained Red circuit if at all possible. I dont know where you are on the order taking But I definately want one.:lol:
mrgr8ness, I don't recall if I ever let you know that I had received mine. I might have PM'd. But anyway, yeah, I got mine and it's great THANK YOU!
I had such a whirl-wind weekend that I neglected to post... I received my RF circuit on Friday and had it installed within a few minutes.

It's so awesome!! I can't wait to have my remote servo installed to complete the effect. ;)
Hi all. I got my circuit, and it is awesome. Now, maybe I should of asked this before but, which RF's will it fit in? I think I have a BM deluxe ESB, which has a clear base section, is that gonna work?
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