Star Wars Celebration V When and Where.


Well-Known Hunter
Has there been any update on when SWC V will be held is it 2009 or 2010. I heard that 5 cities are wanting to host the event, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Orlando Florida, Chicago and Indianapolis.

I hope it will be either of the 3 first I mention cause those cities are nonstop destination for Icelandair and they have often good hotel deals.
Chicago or Indianapolis would be the best for me, but I could do Minneapolis as well, baltimore/orlando I couldn't do. I think though that Chicago/Indianapolis would be the final choice because its in the middle of the country.
2010 = ESB anniversary. there really isnt time between recent stuff for CDCC, D*C and Clone Wars coming out for them to plan anything for 2009. Heard Mary Franklin is saying 2010 so it covers the anniversary and gives her some time off lol

and Orlando would be nice for a change. Everyone down here has always had to go across the country to get to it , lol either north or west. Boston I would go for also just cause I would like to go to Boston.
The latest buzz I heard, was that Minneapolis was out. Which is a bummer for me!!! From what I've heard, either Indy or Chicago are teh front runners right now.
Man I would love to go to Celebration V. I had always wanted to go to one of the Celebrations, but I never could afford the hotel and travel aspect of it...

Which brings me to a question actually. Since there's usually a group of people that go, does anyone ever make a thread for people that are willing to group up with other's to cut the costs in half or sometimes in third?

They do this on the PAX forums I think.... You make a new thread and Post if you're looking for a place, or have a spot open. You say where you're staying, how many spots you have open, what the pay situation is, your gender, and any preferences you have. So it goes something kinda like:

Have Space Available:

Date Arriving:

Date Leaving:
Spots Available:
My Gender:
Your Gender:

Best Contact Method:

Need A Space:

Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Spots Needed:
My Gender:
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

It looks like this set up as worked pretty well for people in the past. Not saying it needs to be used, but I know that it can really help some people out who can afford the tickets but get killed on the travel expenses :).
There is always some thread about some one sharing a room.

I loved CIII, I was going through the pics this morning and what a flashback a wanted to be back there. I had everything planed out for C:IV but my we got pregnant and my wife was scheduled in may that year so everything had to be canceled.

I remember that I was in Boba costume and went into the autograph hall and walked to Jeremy stood beside him and waited for him to look up, and all I did was to shake his hand and walked away, never said a word just nodded. Then we had a party the 501st party at the hotel and I met Jeremy and we got to talk and I said I met him earlier in the Hall, he said well I met a lot of people and I don´t recall you sorry, I said well I´m not suprised as I was in full gear and all I did was to shake your hand, "hey I remember you" he said.

Then I managed to **** of Daniel Logan, that is another story but I felt bad about it, I almost ruined the evening for my fellow TDHers that were in that party. That was the saddest part, I was ok that he was not happy with me but having almost ruined it for everyone else made me realy sad.

But I met alot of people who were friendly and kind and this will be an event I will never forget and I want to be a part of again.

I can only recommend people to attend this event. And if the next is ESB anniversary I will be complete with my new ESB vader costume and I will also have the time to upgrade some parts to be more SA.

Here are some pics from CIII


CIII was the best.

Deffintly, it was my first costume con, and I'll never forget it.

I'm actualy preety close to all those, but if I could pick, I'd DEFFINTLY go for Indy, and for second, I'd SO go to Orando. My family loves going, and I could deffintly get on board for a trip there. :eek: I don't know many people that live in Indy, but I know a TON of people between TCF, TDH,etc. in Orlando. :D

I'd also prefer a 2010 date. I'd like to have my TEOD Jodo Kast, and Cade Skywalker done. I'd also like to be in way better shape for Cade, so an extra 2 years to do so gives me a little bit of time. :D;):p (Wouldn't mind having a Sandtrooper either....MUST! CONCENTRATE! ON! ONE! THING! AT! A! TIME! :lol:)
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CIII was where I first discovered that this place existed! And the first time I ever participated in some Fett stalking :thumbsup: I was all booked to go to CIV too but a family bereavement meant I had to cancel at the last moment sadly. I will definitely be going to Celebration V if it ever happens, and I'm not bothered about where it is considering I'm coming all the way from Scotland anyway! :p

And this time when I go, I will be hunting all you lovely Fett types all over the convention halls WOOT! Be afeared :lol:
I can tell you that I wrote Mary Franklin the other day. This is what she said as I was asking her about fan club tables. "At this time, no venue or date has been chosen for CV, and I certainly have not started taking Fan Table resumes! Once the onslaught of summer shows is over I'll be hopefully traveling to look at potential venues for CV!"
I'm all for Indy, less than 100 miles away, takes me about an hour and ahalf to get there, and I've got family less than 10 miles away for free lodging if we don't go for a hotel downtown. Plus Indy is building a new football stadium and a new International Airport, 2 things that I think will help solidify it on top of 2 successful previous celebrations and the fact that it is fairly centrally located to most of the country.
Then I managed to **** of Daniel Logan, that is another story but I felt bad about it, I almost ruined the evening for my fellow TDHers that were in that party. That was the saddest part, I was ok that he was not happy with me but having almost ruined it for everyone else made me realy sad.

Okay, you can't toss this out there with elaborating on what happened, my friend. Please dish. Details, man, details.

GREAT! I hope indy or chicago DOES win as I'm stationed in Ft Campbell, KY, it's pretty much same distance either way, and either way I CAN GO!!!!!! So no offence, but screw the other cities, come one indy or chicago!!!
The latest buzz I heard, was that Minneapolis was out. Which is a bummer for me!!! From what I've heard, either Indy or Chicago are teh front runners right now.

I was holding out hope that a 7 minute light rail ride would be all I needed to get to the con too! Oh well, Chicago isn't too far from here and Indy was a fun trip last time so I'd be in for either.
Boston I would go for also just cause I would like to go to Boston.

Hey Crystal, you don't need a CV to come up... I'm sure we could find an event for you to hang out at! ;) Mark's coming in November hopefully for Super MegaFest.

As for Boston... there's no convention center big enough here to hold it. At least not in my opinion.

I'm hoping for Orlando simply because they could wrap up Disney Weekends into it and it'd be insane!!!!

Baltimore would be cool too because that's within driving distance for me (around 9 hours) and flights there are cheap from up here on SouthWest. :lol:
I'm hoping for Orlando simply because they could wrap up Disney Weekends into it and it'd be insane!!!!


oooo :love, the convention could be, lets say monday through friday, and have special events at WDW both weekends. To accomidate even more people you could do it Friday evening-Sunday evening at WDW then Monday-Wednesday at the convention center, then do the exact same thing, same shows, same booths, same attractions, same everything Wednesday through Friday afternoon at the convention center and the same events at WDW as the previous weekend. The Wednesday at the convention center could be when the Major events are, like the costume contests and parades and stuff that everyone would want to see and do together as one HUGE Star Wars Celebration. They could even sell it as two conventions, and if by chance you want to go to both you get a discount price. That way you can hit everything you missed, but those that can't do a full week don't feel like they missed anything because it's all a big repeat. Price of admission for the con could include a 3 day pass to WDW parks. If you have family traveling with you that may not be into SW they can buy more days at the parks or whatever. Plus if the convention itself is on Disney property there's plenty of hotel space with transporation all over.
Okay, you can't toss this out there with elaborating on what happened, my friend. Please dish. Details, man, details.


Well, I did expect this from some one. Well what happend was there was this party in one of the rooms in one of the hotels and the best of TDH was there, was very nice people just chatting and stuff. There were some friends of Daniel there and I was taking pictures of the the party and the people. Well soon after Daniel came and after some time I was taking pics and saw that my friend BobaFettish sat on the sofa arm next to Daniel talking to him and I took a picture of them first one was not good so I used the flash and did not think more of it. But After I took the pic I wasn´t sure if Daniel was talking to me or not, I did not hear him say anything but some minutes later he stormed out, and I suspected what was going on and tried to talk to him as he was leaving and he just gave me attitued and mouthed me off. I was shocked and felt bad for what happend like I said for the group. The last thing I wanted was to spoil everything. I offered to delete the pics wich I did. I was told later that I shouldnt have my another member. So I decided to leave the party.

Soon after Bobafettish joined me afterwards downstairs and said that Daniel had gotten in some trouble after some partypics of him. Ok understandable, but it would have been nice if he would have approached me and asked me not to take pics instead of going ballistic. It was not like he was intoxicated or holding a bottle of beer. Courtesy goes farther than Fu** off and such even though he starred in Star Wars. But what I saw was a great photo of my friend and Daniel and my intentions were honest. If you go to a party or a gathering be prepared that some one has a camera no matter who you are.

So that´s the way it was.
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