Any ghost hunters around?

Sareth Dorn

Jr Hunter
Yeah, anyone interested in ghosts and paranormal stuff or had freaky experiances?

I was at a ghost tour at a cemetary with my mum last night. We got a really creepy EVP on our voice recorder of what sounds to be little girls playing, giggling and screaming, in the childrens section.
That kind of stuff creeps the poodoo out of me, but for some reason I still put myself through it when I watch things online or watch those ghost hunter shows.

I've never really experienced any paranormal activities, although I do remember while sleeping once, I had a dream about a woman's ghost walking towards me, then right as she walked into me I woke up with a really bad chill. :eek:

If anyone's got links to creepy videos or recordings, I'll gladly be an idiot and watch them. :lol:
Last edited by a moderator: and I love that stuff. We're hooked on Ghost Hunters and other programming and Xyon wants to go hunting if he even knows who does it. I can't go hunting..i would freakout on the most simple sound near in the dark. Watching isn't going there and really hunting.
If I had spare funds, I'd be right on top of buying major equipment right now! :love

I've had some odd happening here, it was about 4 or 5 years ago, I was setting at the table reading, and theres this pen I had that has a flat bottom to it, so that it can stand up straight, with the writing end up in the air. It only about 4 or 5 inches long, and its preety big around, so theres quite a bit of base to it to keep it standing up.

I could see something moving infront of the book, so I dropped it fairly quickly, and to my suprise the pen with the flat bottom on it was moving at a slatned angle coming towards me. Just a few seconds of movement, but it freaked me out. :lol: I thought mabey I had been leaning on the table,etc. So I placed the pen back were it was and tried recreating the scene in many ways, and I absoutly could not get it to move in anyway but to fall down.

And then just here latly I've had trouble with my Indy figures on the shelves. All their accessories that are laying at their feet tend to move to the very ledge of the shelf/desk two at a time while I'm out of the room. :wacko They're not falling,etc. Because they're about 12 or so inches from the ledge of the desk, and the figures themselves are still standing up. (The accessories are at the feet of the toys)

And sorta related, the biggest thing to me, a woman talked to me here about 2 months ago.

But you gotta know my dream/sleep habits first. I have some OUT THERE dreams, and I don't exactly sleep through them, and sometime the next day its hard for me to seperate the reality, and the dream. So I can't say for certain what it is or what. I know people have those sleep issues where they "wake up", but their body is still in a REM cycle, and they "see" aliens, or ghosts,etc. But I didn't see anything, and all I did was hear this woman.

I was asleep in bed, when I was very carefully awaken by a woman, mabey in her 30's or so by the sound of her, telling me to "Wake up, please, wake up!" very quietly, and soft, and realy comforting, untill she did it again, and again, and again. I bet I heard "Wake up" in some form or another for about 2 mins. I finaly rolled over and said "STOP." and it quit. So.....I've either gone crazy, or.....Well, I've gone crazy, how 'bout that? :facepalm I'm preety sure it was a dream or something like one.........But was it? :eek: :lol:
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Gotta tell you, I never ever believed in ghosts or paranormal activites at all. Anytime anybody brought it up around me, I was like, "Psh.... that's a load of 'poodoo'."

Until I went to Iraq on my first deployment. I was on the security team that guarded Camp Korean Village on several towers around the FOB. Post two was continually reporting voices in the dead of the night. We joked around, telling them to "lay off the crack", but nobody really took it seriously.
Two weeks later, I was on post two during the night shift. At around 0230 hours, I heard *DISTINCTLY* footsteps outside my guard tower. I'm talking, the sound of gravel crunching under foot. Now in the middle of the desert, there is no sound at night. None. Zero. Not even white noise. The slightest sound is almost amplified by the stillness of the air. I opened the door to my guard tower, and peered out into the night with my NVG's, and didn't see anything. Figuring it was just the Sergeant of the Guard messing with me, I told my buddy to keep watch on the post, while I went out to check. I grabbed my infrared flashlight, and armed with my M16 and NVG's, I crept down the stairs. The sound that made me freeze mid-step, halfway down the stairs, was the sound of a woman crying. It was quiet... so quiet. But unmistakable. The little hairs on the back of my neck were standing so straight they almost fell off. Every muscle in my body was locked, and I don't think I've ever listened harder in my life. I heard two more footsteps, and the crying stopped. I waited on the stairs for perhaps two minutes before I dared move again, listening for the slightest sound. More footsteps, a voice, breathing, anything, but nothing came. I went the rest of the way down the steps, looking around every side of the tower, along the dirt berm, and even over it.
I didn't find a thing. Not a footstep. That night made me a believer in ghosts. I firmly believe that in areas where really really bad things happen, evil things are closer to the physical world.
I did some research on the history of Camp Korean Village, and I found that it was, at one time, a resort built by Sadaam Hussein. The people who built it were chinese, many of which died, or were killed in the process.

Kindof a long thread, but I wanted to share that experience.
I love this type of stuff even though I turn into a little girl when stuff happens. I love all the stories. I only have one story when I was a little kid but I dont want to type it all out right now.
I'm into Ghost Hunters too. I've been to a couple of places that are said to be haunted, yet I haven't seen anything yet. I would like to go on a hunt sometime, too.
I think that stuff is interesting, but I can never look at pictures or videos of 'ghosts' I always chicken out and look away/cover my ears lol.

I'm such a whimp >.>

I know for a fact if I ever saw anything I'd freak out.
Here's a little something that happened afew months ago

A freind of mine and I would talk in his store for hours after it closed for the day sometimes later than midnight or one in the morning. The building is at least 90 years old an sits in the middle of down town, We sat talking one night facing each other about 8 feet apart when for just a second or two a vapor appeared between and slightly above us the size of a human figure , the conversation went mute as we looked for a responce from each other . Finally I asked did you see something and he replied ( tell me what you saw first) ,That night when I got home my eyes watered as I told my wife and kids what happened , It took awhile for the shock to whare off. For the next couple of weeks we payed attention hearing a variety of sounds and seeing small filaments of light that appeared for moments and faded away just as quickly. The bell that was attached to the front door would sound off buy itself and when we hit the bell to recreate the intensity of sound we would have to hit it pretty hard , Harder than the outside force (wind or passers buy ) could .
Being a fan of Ghost Hunters we looked for ways to disprove what happened but without luck.
He's no longer in that building but I would love the chance to go back any time.
I love all this stuff, me and my girlfriend went on a ghost hunt about four days ago with two other friends, we went to the old rectory in BORLEY England, its apparently the most haunted place in this country........but sadly we did not see anything:facepalm

Personally i do believe in the paranormal as i have experienced a fair few things in my time, one of which was when i was a bit younger and i went to the tunnels in the Dover cliffs, these were made in the first world war to be used as a hospital for airmen. The tunnels are very dark and have an eary sense to them, anyway i was on the tour when we rounded the corner of one of the lower tunnels, i ended up looking down the tunnel which was lit about 10-15 metres down and then darkness, the guide was in front of me and my mum the rest of my family trailing a bit further back when i noticed a man in the tunnel standing there, he appeared to be doing something, frantically moving his arms, kind of waving at something further down the tunnel then as quickly as he appeared, he was gone! :confused
I said to the guide, who was that or what was that and all he said was, "I see alot of stuff down here that i wish i new what it was!"

Even to this day i think back to that moment and still cant really believe what me and my mum saw.
Not as interested in Ghosts, or the paranormal as much as space, and extra terrestrials.

I'm actualy a "fan" of both! :wacko I can't get how the fact that there's "dead people" here that we don't know much about, and "little alive ones" arriving we don't know much about either.:eek:

EDIT - Unless of corse the Gov. decides we're ready to know about them. :p ;)
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This is what I believe to be true.

I wont say that Alien Life In fact exists, but I will say that the possibility is absolutely high that it does. Our universe is BIGGGGGGGG. And by big I mean ENORMOUSS!!!!!

The amount of galaxy's increase that chance for the possibility of Alien Life. There are so many planets in the universe that it would be very dumb to say that we are the only life that exists, and there is no other alien life in our universe.

Now, when I say life on other planets, I could mean a Highly advanced civilization, or just microbes. Either way, it still fascinates me.

Now Ghosts and paranormal stuff is always interesting to me, from hearing weird noises in cemetaries, and seeing ghostly objects in some of my videos. Ghost hunting equipment is expensive, Alien hunting equipment is not haha. A shotgun and a telescope is all you need. haha im kidding.
I think it sort of greedy to think we're the only intelligent design out here. Like you said, to think about this way. An electron in an atom. An atom on a person. A person in a room. A room in a house. A house on the street. A street in a town. A town in a county. A county in a state. A state in a country. A country on the planet. A planet in the solar system. Our solor stsytm in this Galaxy. This Galaxy in THIS universe. This universe in this dimension...I'm sure it keeps on going ;)

We're small. We're stupid. We're not alone. :wacko
Oh man, I am a HUGE Ghost Hunters fan!!! I record it on my Dish DVR all the time in case I end up missing it.

About 3 months ago, I had a close encounter with a shadow. LOL! We've got a small cemetery in our backyard. And there is a militia man buried there. And our house is also about a mile away from an old fort, Fort Boonesboro. Just tons of historical stuff around us.

But one night, I was sitting in my room messing around with some artwork. And my bedroom door was closed. I got up to go get something to drink. I opened my bedroom door, and there right in front of me about 2 feet away was a shadow. I think we scared each other! I stood there shocked with my jaw just about down to the floor. It stood there for about 3 seconds and then flew away off towards the door to the backyard like it was shocked too! Man, did it give me the shock of my life! Yeah, it scared me because it's not every day you see something like that.

And for the next couple days, it was hiding out in the bathroom where it was darkish and peaking out to watch me draw. It was curious but shy. I could barely see the shadow of a head just peaking out from the doorway to the bathroom and then when I picked my head up to look at it directly, it would pop back into the bathroom.

I have to admit. That was the coolest experience I have ever had! And I also admit, that I was still kinda skeptical and somewhat afraid until that happened!! Not anymore!!!

That shadow was the strangest thing. It had a human form, but it was a shadow. It was kinda like looking through dark tinted glass. And the edge of the form was a little bit blurry. It was freaky, but insanely cool too!!!

We've seen several other spirits around our house. My mother has seen an old Native American woman a couple times. I've seen a man dressed in a civil war military uniform (the Northern uniform).

And we have a slot machine downstairs in our family room. My mother and I had been out running errands and when we came home, we heard the slot machine dinging and making noise. I went downstairs to see what was going on. And wouldn't you know, the thing was unplugged? LOL! There is no backup power supply or anything for it. It was going off on it's own! LOL! Yes, we do have a "poltergeist" or "gremlin" as well. This is not the only incident that has happened like that.

None of the ghosts around us mean any harm. If anything, we think they are trying to protect us. But they do NOT like our neighbors behind us though. I think it's because our neighbors are afraid of the cemetery. Our neighbors are doing a lot of remodeling to their house, and the ghosts don't like it. Whenever they start doing more work on their house, the spirit activity picks up. It's almost like they are kvetching to us about our neighbors. LOL!

It's cool living with all this going on. There really is no reason to be afraid of ghosts. They are "people" too. Even though they no longer occupy a physical body, they still have personalities and emotions. I guess we are afraid when we see them because we are not used to seeing them every day.
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