Font Resizing

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
We have made a few adjustments to the font size for the site in a effort to get a bit more consistancy. The size is slightly smaller than our previous font size and can be changed back if the general consensus is that it creates too much eye strain. Please take a look and see what you think.

I'm using a high resolution and the font looks too small for my eyes.

It looks like you're using Arial, can I suggest you try Verdana at that size for better legibility.

I've developed many websites with small fonts and Verdana always seems easier to read than Arial at small font sizes.
Ya, I think it still could stand to be just a wee bit bigger. But then again, I also proboly need glasses. :lol:
I have great vision and I feel the new font size is still too small...well, not in posts but in the way the forum is displayed.
The posting font and the quick reply font are still too small for me. My monitor is about 100ppi and the original font setting was just about perfect.
I thought I had done something wrong with my mouse wheel...

At 1680 x 1050, it's a little small for me.

me too actually, spent about 5 minutes trying to get that one setting that doesn't exist, you know that one, the "just right" setting. otherwise it's too big or too small.

but soon i realized that it must have been something on server side, and for me it looks fine on both my 1400x900 laptop and my 1680x1200 desktop moniters.
What were the original font/settings? What are the current font/settings?

Everything looks fine on my Mac (1920 x 1280) - and I really can't see any difference from the day before.
The reason for the change was that early on in our customizing we made some font sizes "pt" and others "px." We finally went back through and made them all "px" for consistancy.

The font size of the content of posts should be very close to were it was previously... possibly one pixel smaller. We can increase it again if needed.
Because we are lazy. ;) No, you make a good point and when we have more time to devote to it, I would love to move them all over to Em.
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