Starting a scratchbuilt


New Hunter
A possible idea for a bucket.
I have decided to build this fella in steel.
My ingredients are assembled - a ww2 Tommy helmet for my dome, A 35 year old clothes dryer for some sheet steel, some carbon/kevlar, plus some previous experience making many things from nothing... Hell I'm more than ready!!!
My background in knife and sword making, composite race car seat manufacturer, leather restoration and working, combined with plenty of other time wasting occupations, I'm hoping, will assist in creating something worth posting for you guys.
Please peruse and tell me what you think.

More posts to come very, very soon


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A few pics of where I am now.

Tommy helmet de-rimmed, templates cut from sheet steel, all held together with fibreglass, carbon/ kevlar and rivets.

Pretty rough at the moment, but put together pretty quickly.

I've made the cheeks higher and extended the mandibles.

A few other changes are there too.



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Many thanks guys,
Thanks Cade, photobucket did the trick

Ijaat Ka'rta, I honestly didn't know if it would work at first,
but I thought if you could make a helmet from cardboard or various plastics I thought steel should work.

Using the old ww2 helmet was my way of using steel all over.
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Here are some updates of my bucket.

Note: I've made my weathering pretty extreme.

Sorry to be a man of few words, but if anyone has any questions, please ask.

My visor arrives next week so all visor activity is temporary.

For some reason I have left everything at the rear of the helmet for last.

No worries, I'll get there.

Sorry for the blurry pics.





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Holy Moley...

King Arthur and not having the ability to get dented comes to mind - Arthur Dent???
But Im not gonna joke with someone with a lid like that! Id be scared!!! :)

Wicked helmet sir! Really well done!

Keep us posted on the updates.

Okay guys, people who know me are not surprised with me changing things as I go,

Think of my previous pics as sketches, leading to something I'm going to be happy with.

I've started working on the rear of the helmet, ( if any one has seen my previous posts, they will know I wanted to build my interpretation of Rohlan Dyre's armour).

Hey, you never Know I may just ditch my own designs and decide to do just that.

Please look at the pics and tell me what you think.





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Has anyone made the "Can't let you be seen in that, send it to me for destruction" comment yet :p. Cause I could send you my mailing address :lol:

All Kidding aside, you have some great skill there and WOW doesn't begin to cover how nice the helmet is. Can't wait to see more pics.

Have a good one,
I was thinking of building a Beskad to help arm my mando.
Karen Traviss describes a particular Beskad in LOTF Revelation (page 173).

I've never really seen a pic of one which has captured my imagination, but hearing it described as 45 cm long, 5-6 cm wide and probably one - handed, I thought something like this would be suitable:

This is a Bowie knife I'm working on at the moment, but with a bit of eye squinting, you will see what I have in mind.

I would start from scratch but I felt like showing a pic of something.

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