Wow, those are some big red boxes.

and the new smilies, change is a good thing.....

i have some really interesting smilies




I think that you have the blue boxes because you have chosen the Jango Fett Style:


  • Dibujo.bmp
    308.5 KB · Views: 607
We sure can't get anything past you guys! ;)

The boxes aren't permanent, especially since no one seems to like them. We made the change because several people had mentioned that the Slave 1 icons were difficult to distinguish between new posts and no new posts. We wanted to implement something that was a bit easier to see. While the "big red boxes" are easier to see, they clearly aren't the most popular style so we will keep searching.

In regard to other changes to the board, we have a number of customizations to the board that were uninstalled during our efforts to restore our email notification system. Those customization have not been reinstalled and there is a possibility they will not be reinstalled.

As always, we are constantly making efforts to improve your experience here at TDH. Some days it is two steps forward, some days it is one step back. Thanks for your patience on the days when it is one step back.
Aw...but I do like the big red boxes. Poor things are trying their best, but all you perfectionists demand too much, it makes them feel inadequate. Good job, you monsters.

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