My first bucket!!!

Studio Fett

Active Hunter
Hello everybody, new guy here again (in case you missed my first post: )I just got my first bucket today, I won it off of Ebay for dirt cheap, well, err, there's a reason for that, it looks like it got into a fight with a Wookie and lost... But, I was so inspired by you guys and thought I would take on this sucker. (I might be crying for help about 30 seconds into it) it's a 95 Don Post, I didn't know that when I bought it, but that was a nice surprise!!!
Wish me luck everybody, I'm gonna need it.



Well, IMO you should have saved your money and bought a MS1 or a Sgt.Fang from one of these guys here. your right about something though, you've got a lot of work ahead of you with that lid...good luck bro and keep us posted on your progress.
I agree Bountyone, I won the helmet from an Ebay auction two weeks ago (just got it in the mail today), and didn't find this web site until last week, I read alot of the posts and thought....OUCH!!! Well, I'm sure this will be quite an experience.... Thanks for the reply, bro.
I would try for a custom mando for this helmet if I were you.:facepalm Because you could then factor any cracks or seams from the repairs as "battle damage":cheers Ive seen alot worse helmets turned into something usable.8)
Dont get discouraged.Everyone goes down the road of the hard learning cruve.You have a good platform to learn with for when you get your hands on a better shaped lid.Atleast you have the piece that is broken off.
That helmet seems to be a compisite plastic ?
Some advice ...there are advesive to properly bond the broke piece back on.Dont try to use "bondo"."Bondo" is a filler not a advesive.You want a two part structural advesive.To repair that crack use the advesive as well.You might want to check with a automotive repair supply store.That helmet is made from the same matraial as some automotive bumpers.There are repair materials that you can use to fix that helmet.
Good luck with your project and remember dont hesitate to ask for help here.
vadr_h8r, I might just have to try it, I really wanted to try to for a prepro 3 look (my personal favorite) as much as I like the awesome Mystery Helmet's from Sgt Fang, or I might just sell it back to some poor sucker on Ebay, like I was...hehe.

Lopero, thanks for the great advice, much appreciated, I will holla!!!
Dont mess with Karma man.....;)....sell it clean :)
If you do sell it you should not have a problem getting rid of it in the "Cargo Hold"
If you do keep it and fix it I agree with Vadr turn it into a variant.The main thing is to practice with this one so when you do get the "real deal" you will have developed some skills to make it a awesome lid
Dont mess with Karma man.....;)....sell it clean :)
If you do sell it you should not have a problem getting rid of it in the "Cargo Hold"
If you do keep it and fix it I agree with Vadr turn it into a variant.The main thing is to practice with this one so when you do get the "real deal" you will have developed some skills to make it a awesome lid
Don't worry, I was just kidding about selling it on Ebay(this is my first bucket, kinda like your first love....err, maybe not!!!) The only way I would sell it is to get me a better bucket, and only after I fixed her up.
Yea, even though I despised it, I miss my old rubies jango from time to time :wtc:

But seriously, Ive seen people on these boards turn trash into valuable treasure. It may take alot of time and hard work, but its very possible to repair, fix and make it worth wearing in the end.
Yea, even though I despised it, I miss my old rubies jango from time to time :wtc:

But seriously, Ive seen people on these boards turn trash into valuable treasure. It may take alot of time and hard work, but its very possible to repair, fix and make it worth wearing in the end.
Thanks Chris, I hope I can pull it off. BTW, I am lovin that Darktrooper thread of yours...sha-weet!!!
Thanks Chris, I hope I can pull it off. BTW, I am lovin that Darktrooper thread of yours...sha-weet!!!

Thanks, but a big "yikes" to me..Been a bit busy, trying to put together an RFT, got a jango lid to finish and plus, trying to save money to get to D-con all at once....So yea.

I dont want to hijack your thread lol
What you have there is a good learing opportunity.

First lesson you know, dont buy stuff on Ebay.

Second: Id play with that bucket and see what you can do with it. Lots of learing for later down the line.

Search the threads and youll find people that took something much like you have that had no clue what they were doing (or so they thought) and turn it into something really nice.

Just take your time, research, and prep work. Mostly take your time.
What you have there is a good learing opportunity.

First lesson you know, dont buy stuff on Ebay.

Second: Id play with that bucket and see what you can do with it. Lots of learing for later down the line.

Search the threads and youll find people that took something much like you have that had no clue what they were doing (or so they thought) and turn it into something really nice.

Just take your time, research, and prep work. Mostly take your time.
Thanks for the support shortimer52! :cheers
Wow! Did you cut the right mandible off yourself?? :eek:
As Ben said you do have allot of work ahead of you, and as others have mentioned this is always a learning curve? so you can treat this as an experiment to hone your skills till you eventually upgrade (as we all do) :thumbsup:
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You have a lot of work to do, but you do have a few things in your favor. First, its a DP95 and should have a nice shape once you fix it. Second, you have the broken piece, so you should be able to glue it on, and not have to fabricate a piece. I would heat that bucket up and re shape it first, then start repairing the damage. Then I would cut the visor part off the broken mandable piece, and glue the mandable piece back on. Personally I might try JB Weld to put the piece on, the regular stuff not the quick dry stuff. Then reinforce the inside, spot putty the outside to cover the crack and sand it smooth after it dries. I would try some JB Weld on the upper broken crack as well, then spot putty and sand again. That would give you a good start. Once again, heat and reshape the helmet first, then repair. JB Weld and a lot of other adhesives, break down when heat it applied.
Wow! Did you cut the right mandible off yourself?? :eek:
As Ben said you do have allot of work ahead of you, and as others have mentioned this is always a learning curve? so you can treat this as an experiment to hone your skills till you eventually upgrade (as we all do) :thumbsup:
No, it came that way, that's why I was able to get it for so cheap;)
Tis true, I should be a bucket master by the time I'm done..hehe.
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You have a lot of work to do, but you do have a few things in your favor. First, its a DP95 and should have a nice shape once you fix it. Second, you have the broken piece, so you should be able to glue it on, and not have to fabricate a piece. I would heat that bucket up and re shape it first, then start repairing the damage. Then I would cut the visor part off the broken mandable piece, and glue the mandable piece back on. Personally I might try JB Weld to put the piece on, the regular stuff not the quick dry stuff. Then reinforce the inside, spot putty the outside to cover the crack and sand it smooth after it dries. I would try some JB Weld on the upper broken crack as well, then spot putty and sand again. That would give you a good start. Once again, heat and reshape the helmet first, then repair. JB Weld and a lot of other adhesives, break down when heat it applied.
Sweet, thanks mrgr8ness, I would not have thought of JB Weld, I was looking at my bottle of Gorilla Glue, scratching my head, thanks for the awesome advice, I tried to heat it up with a hair dryer and reshape it last night, but to no avail, was I trying the best method for heating it??
Thanks mate!
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