painted my FP V2 (finally) ESB

Jangos kid

Well-Known Hunter
So yeah, I finally got some paint on this stuff. I didn't want to do anything with it until I got my new airbrush & it took a while to get that. We have the big exhibit that opened up in MN at the science museum. Wouldn't you know, my airbrush got backordered & didn't show up till 2 days before the event!!! Worked like mad to get this done, but I'm happy witht the results. Sometime I work better under pressure!!!!:lol:

Special thanx to Rouge Studios & Boba Phat for thier help/input/advice.






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Now weather the vest and cape more.:)

when was this event?

I know....I know!!!!!:lol: This was a brand new vest too, & I weathered it after these pics were taken. The event started last weekend and will run every weekend through August 24th. you shoulda came up Dude!!!! Washko made it you have no excuse!!!!! ;)

looks great man. I've got some FPV1 stuff and was really impressed with it so I know you like the V2. Congrats on getting that done so quickly, I know what a major effort that can be.
Nice work D! By the way it all turned out, I wouldn't have known you were burning the midnight oil to get this done if you hadn't told me!
Dude...wish ya had the new armor up here for the Science Museum exhibit. Its only a matter of time before I will get to see it ;)

You do awesome work bro:thumbsup:
Dude...wish ya had the new armor up here for the Science Museum exhibit. Its only a matter of time before I will get to see it ;)

You do awesome work bro:thumbsup:

Uhhh....I saw it!!!:lol: Guess I didn't do that great of a job on it afterall!!!!:facepalm:lol:
Uhhh....I saw it!!!:lol: Guess I didn't do that great of a job on it afterall!!!!:facepalm:lol:

I guess that I was distracted by the other Boba :lol:

No really, I did not know that you were wearing your "new" armor...I would of liked to have checked it out :facepalm
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