stellardude's 1st paintjob - FP v.2 armor


Active Hunter
Hi guys! Wasn't sure if I wanted to post progress pics of my armor, since it's my first time painting anything (aside from my bucket). But you guys are all so great with your opinions... I figured I should.

So here are some pics... be easy on me :) It's my first time.

Won't hog too much space with pics this time... just 4-5.
The first is as it arrived, trimmed, primed and painted silver (courtesy of TK172)

The second is painted with base color, but before masking fluid has been removed.

The third is after masking fluid is removed.

The fourth and fifth are after some damage has been painted (weathering still needs to be done... also, my bucket is in one picture... just to give an idea of the color scheme)

Hope you enjoy!
Again, any feedback is welcome.
Thanks folks!





Thanks! I need to do some work on the colors for the shoulders and knees.. but it was a good guess, for the base yellow... I think.

I just need to get a flak vest soon though... so I can display this stuff a bit better. lol
Hmmm washes... I hadn't even thought about that! I've used ink washes before to darken things up on smaller items (warhammer stuff mostly)... is there a trick to this for larger items? Probably no spraycan method, eh?

(to Ben: Thanks for the note about the chair! But if I paint it, I have to paint the whole recliner couch that goes with it! lol. I just don't think there's enough paint!)
Many of us have used black acryllic paint in window washing fluid so that it dries quickly. You take a paper towel or sponge and dab it into the fluid, squeeze it out and rub it over your piece wherever you want it to darken up and look dirtier. You can add more and remove as much as you want before it dries.
Many of us have used black acryllic paint in window washing fluid so that it dries quickly. You take a paper towel or sponge and dab it into the fluid, squeeze it out and rub it over your piece wherever you want it to darken up and look dirtier. You can add more and remove as much as you want before it dries.
That advice is worth it's weight in gold!!
Thanks! I didn't realize it could be that simple.... I'll try that for sure!
I'm very new to this so it's very encouraging to hear home remedies and quality advice!

Much appreciation!
It's been a long time since I've posted any progress :)
But since I've got my Flak vest and Neckseal now, I figured I should get a little more work done on the armor, so I can attach it!

Here's a collage of before and after pics... this is after the first, primary, paint job was done... there was a little bit of layered colouring going on in the "before" pics... and the layered damage was done.

What do you folks think?
I still need to do a bit of paint weathering... but I've done some colour and black-wash weathering in the "after" pics.

Im sure he used a brush for the yellow... oh and look for yellow zinc chormemate. nice job onthe armor is this a ESB paint app?
Thanks guys! :)
Actually, the yellow details is two methods... different for the main armor than for the yellow parts (shoulder bells and knees).
For the main armor, gbeef is right... I used a standard paint brush... not pretty, but it works.
For the other stuff, it was actually an accident. I had done the silver damage with a bright yellow (not YZC) topcoat... layered using latex masking fluid.
Then, when I was misting with the rusty orange and black, I had masked over those areas with the fluid again, but I had painted the fluid a little bigger than the silver area... so when I peeled the fluid off, it showed the clean yellow as well as the silver damage.... it looks really cool! I wish I had done that for the green parts too! lol
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