Time in Armor

I did eleven hours at Denver StarFest one year, but I doubt that's the record. :)
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12 hours and 40 some minutes and prob walked well over 10 miles. Yes I was hurting when I got the gear off and desperately needed a shower.
I'm supposed to do 2 8hr shifts this weekend for the opening of the exhibit at the science meseum. Normally I'm about shot after 5 hrs, so we'll see how it goes.
i heard on the legion boards of someone going all of CIV. not sure how long that is cause i dont pay attention to those as they suck.

so im guessing that was friday to sunday? but im lookking for fett armor records. 36 hours i can see beating...but 80 or so...eh....
i heard on the legion boards of someone going all of CIV. not sure how long that is cause i dont pay attention to those as they suck.

so im guessing that was friday to sunday? but im lookking for fett armor records. 36 hours i can see beating...but 80 or so...eh....

That would be gary from FLG, he stayed in armor for some 72 something hours. Slept in it in breaks and hosed off in the shower in it... or some craziness like that. But completely all of CIV.

no clue on the fett stuff. I would think Fett would be much more comfortable to attempt, but will Jet Pack have to be on to count? cause no sleeping in that lol
Yeah and the stormie at C4 smelled pretty bad on day 3.

16 hours Andy? Thats pretty impressive where was that at?

How about a TIE pilot or imp officer or crew tech record LOL hahaha I crack myself up!
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