"Game Lounge"


Active Hunter
"Ever wonder what your video game characters are doing while they aren't being played?"

This is a video we made for my girlfriend's Intro to Film college class last month and recently we decided it was time put it on YouTube. I didn't think it was too bad for what we were able to do in the very limited time and resources that were available to us. We're proud of it, especially once we found out it practically set the standard for the rest of her class.

I wouldn't really bother posting it here except that I'm bored, and I thought some of you guys might get a kick out of it. :cheers

FYI: I'm the War Vet.:p
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I have to say, the link guy cracked me up. I could only watch a few minutes of it but am gonna go back and watch the rest.

Also, forward lara my email address, lol :)

My offer still stands lol

My girlfriend probably wouldn't like it too much though. Shee seems to like something called commitment.
Oh I'm only funnin' with ya man (except for the part about my girlfriend not liking it). We carolinians have to pick on one another.
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