Best High Gloss?


Well-Known Hunter
Well, tonight I recieved my rebel fleet trooper helmet kit from TK560. I was wondering what would be the best, and the most glossy gloss coat available without having to shell out loads of money for an automotive gloss. It will have to work with polystyrene plastic. Thanks!
i think you'll get a better shine from waxing / polishing it post paint than just the paint alone.

that said, a friend of mine just used rustoleum appliance epoxy on his vader dome. this is 1 coat of paint... no clear coat or polish:


i'd imagine it also comes in white.
It reads like you are looking for a spray can clear for a glossy finish.In my experience(which doesnt mean I am right) I have not found a a spray can clear that leaves a glossy you might be looking for.
The spary can clear I have used leaves a flat or matte finish.There is not much of a shine or "depth" to the finish.
I guess the question I have to help in researching a product for you is,how glossy do you want it?
What I can do is contact the paint store I use at work to see what products are avaiable for you to find in your arae that you can use.I will keep my product search to the low but effective end on the price scale.
You are looking for a spray can product or do you have access to clearing this helmet with a paint gun system?
Always happy to help you
tk7602- That finish looks amazing, however, its already white, and all we really want to do is be able to put a spray gloss over it.

LOPERO- Yes, we are looking for preferably a spray can. No paint gun system unfortunatly.

As for the glossiness, really, as shiny as possible without having to spend too much. We dont need to paint, just gloss it up. Thanks guys
why so shiny? they were glossy, but not like that...



I guess Im more worried about trying to make the black styrene piece, that represents the visor, to look as shiny as the visor in the top pic. Hmm...your right. I should just get a good gloss on the white pieces, but I'd really like to get a nice shine from the visor
tk7602- Do they sell that epoxy at lowes or home depot? What I am thinking now is just use either the rustolium clear coat or the testors gloss for just the white pieces, but then use that appliance epoxy to make the visor shiny
tk7602- Do they sell that epoxy at lowes or home depot? What I am thinking now is just use either the rustolium clear coat or the testors gloss for just the white pieces, but then use that appliance epoxy to make the visor shiny

they should have it at both. at least the ones in my area do.
tk7602- Do they sell that epoxy at lowes or home depot? What I am thinking now is just use either the rustolium clear coat or the testors gloss for just the white pieces, but then use that appliance epoxy to make the visor shiny

they make the appliance epoxy in white, I used it on my TE helmet


and your visor should be grey.
Alright, well, I managed to pick up the model masters clear gloss and the rustolium appliance black gloss. Im testing both on scrap styrene, and Im going to play around with it a bit...All the trimming for my RFT helmet is finished, just a matter of construction now!
Um yea. I think this is going to turn out pretty good. I got the model masters gloss/laquer and spray the white with that, and I sprayed the applience paint on the black visor...and boy, is it shiny!
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