how to get straps through vest???


Jr Hunter
Hey everyone i'm nearly done with my fett, but I have one last problem that I need to get past. The other day I got my jp harness from a member on TDH which looks great. Now my problem is that i'm having no luck getting the holes in the back of the vest so that the harness straps can come through. Does anyone have any pointers on how to over come this?
You don't have any holes in your vest....or you have holes, but they don't line up??? Not shure I follow you there?????

I guess here is what I would do: First, I would put on the harness, then put my backplate on without the vest so you can make shure the straps will line up with the slots in the backplate. If they do, then Put your vest and armour on. Have someone use a marker to draw thorugh your backplate slots a couple of small lines. Take everything off. Cut out two holes in the vest where the lines were marked. Stich around the holes so they don't fray. Your done.
I actually don't have the holes in the vest yet. Since I have no sewing skills its almost impossible for me to do it. I've gone to a seamstress and they say that they can't do it and I'm afraid of messing it up. What can I do??
ugg.....its so simple. :) I've actually gotta make some holes in my new vest this weekend. I'll see if I can take some pics for ya. ;)
You can purchase something that is called "fray check". It may have any other name. It is similar to a super glue, and you could actually use superglue. Apply the fray check or super glue along the outside edges of the place you will cut the slits. Let it dry, and then cut the slits. This will keep th edges of the fabric from fraying.

On another note, what a seamstress needs to do is use a zig-zag stitch. It is in essence, like a big buttonhole. Anyone who sews would understand this kind of explanation.

The fray check should work fine for you. If you would like to pay shipping to and from, you could make the marks, send it to me and I could sew the stitching you need and send it back. No charge if you can pay shipping both ways. Send a pm if I can help you.

Here is a link to a picture of fray check. This website is selling it for $12.99, which is crazy! You can find it at walmart, or a fabric or craft store. But the picture and description may help you..
There are other brands available at one of the above mentioned stores.

I hope this helps some!!

I actually don't have the holes in the vest yet. Since I have no sewing skills its almost impossible for me to do it. I've gone to a seamstress and they say that they can't do it and I'm afraid of messing it up. What can I do??

there's really nothing to be done but just cutting into it.

when i did mine, i put the vest on and then put the backplate over it. i had someone else trace the openings on the backplate onto the vest.

i then cut the holes out and finished the edges on a sewing machine. in the absence of a sewing machine, the fray check stuff would work, as does hot glue. the latter isn't pretty, but it works, and you won't see it from the outside.
there's really nothing to be done but just cutting into it.

when i did mine, i put the vest on and then put the backplate over it. i had someone else trace the openings on the backplate onto the vest.

i then cut the holes out and finished the edges on a sewing machine. in the absence of a sewing machine, the fray check stuff would work, as does hot glue. the latter isn't pretty, but it works, and you won't see it from the outside.

I do think you should try this. PM sent :cheers
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