Armor Painting Questions (PP2)

Vable Boba

Active Hunter
Ok, I have seen the Rouge Studios paint list for the armor for the airbrush, however, I do not know what the paints are called, the brand, etc. Also, I'm planning to use the Rustoleum Chrome paint. Will that work? I bought some cheap chrome and it was really tacky, and I'm looking for something less tacky, although it may have been the drying conditions as well. thanks for any input guys. I'm really husseling to get this done, as i've got only a month and 3 weeks to finish for ComicCon. Thanks again in advance for any help guys. :thumbsup::thumbsup::cheers
definitely done mess around on the silver layer... a bad coat of silver and nothing else will stick.

i just had to tear a helmet back down to bare resin because of a bad coat of silver at the base.
Is Rust Oleum a good brand for the silver layer though? I just wanna know before I go spraying.

The cheap stuff got used on my helmet, but I ended up doing topical rather than layered. thanks tk7602
rustoleum has so many variations, i never know which i like and which i don't.

i used the "super brite" in a white can and it made me sad.

i use the metallics line in the green can all the time and have never had a problem.
awesome tk7602!! That's the one I got, the one in the green can, the "Specialty." I'm glad I chose wisely. and thanks again for the advice.
oh, and I still need some info on the airbrush paints and such, as I've never used the airbrush yet. Thanks.

Hi Vable,
Most of the paints on the Rogue Studios list are either Floquil or Polly Scale. Floquils are enamels and Polly Scales are acrylics, but the colors are the same. . . well, they're "advertised" as being the same, but as an example, the enamel and acrylic versions of "Boxcar Red" do look different. I believe Lee had recommended using the enamels whenever possible.
Not a lot of hobby shops carry Floquil/Polly S, so ordering them online is what most people do. A good site to try is
I think a couple of the colors on the list are Testors Model Master paints, which are easier to find in local shops.
Thanks superjedi!! Now I can finally get to finishing that pesky armor of mine :P I can't wait to get it done, and I'll throw up my progress thread pretty soon for everyone to see. Thanks again everyone :cheers:thumbsup::thumbsup::jet pack
Hi Vable,
Most of the paints on the Rogue Studios list are either Floquil or Polly Scale. Floquils are enamels and Polly Scales are acrylics, but the colors are the same. . . well, they're "advertised" as being the same, but as an example, the enamel and acrylic versions of "Boxcar Red" do look different. I believe Lee had recommended using the enamels whenever possible.
Not a lot of hobby shops carry Floquil/Polly S, so ordering them online is what most people do. A good site to try is
I think a couple of the colors on the list are Testors Model Master paints, which are easier to find in local shops.
Thanks for the awesome site!
I'm always interested in what people do with their Pre-Pro 2 fett costumes. I'm looking forward to seeing this. :)

SuperJedi, do you or anyone else, have any suggestions for Tamiya acrylic paints for the PP 2 helmet? I'm leaning towards XF-65 Field Gray for the dome and cheeks. Any ideas on the red, blue and what green for body armor?
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