English might not be his first language.

but the line in the description that made me chuckle was "I FEEL IN MY BONES THAT SOMEONE IS LOOKING FOR THIS". Just thought it was out of place as far as item description goes.
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I do searches for Vader helmets on fleabay regularly (to keep an ear to the ground for what is out there being sold these days) and I see the "dark vader" name a lot. The funniest one I have encountered though - and I have seen this on a number of occasions - is the one that shows the helmet put on backwards, so that the bottom of the flange is facing outward and the top of the dome is on the back of Vader's head. It looks like he's wearing an easter bonnet!!! And apparently some people think that's the way it is supposed to go on. Man that makes me laugh.
I do searches for Vader helmets on fleabay regularly (to keep an ear to the ground for what is out there being sold these days) and I see the "dark vader" name a lot. The funniest one I have encountered though - and I have seen this on a number of occasions - is the one that shows the helmet put on backwards, so that the bottom of the flange is facing outward and the top of the dome is on the back of Vader's head. It looks like he's wearing an easter bonnet!!! And apparently some people think that's the way it is supposed to go on. Man that makes me laugh.

I think I'm gonna go home and do that to my helmet, and use the picture as my avatar. Maybe.

Pfft easter bonnets, a;lsdkvcoaslasdk
All hail Dark Vader, Darth Lord of the Sith! :lol:

"Dark" Vader is about as dumb as when people see me doodlig DARTH Vader on my math notes and saying "You're a Trekkie?" *rolls eyes* Bloody di'kute...
oh my goodness don't get me started on those 'trekkies', my mom used to be one, but I save her from the dark side, or converted her to it, which ever way you prefer, haha.:lol:
My mom never knew the difference between Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, or any other sci-fi movie/show. I once made a cylon centurian costume (years ago, it wasn't very good) and she refered to it as Darth Vader all the time. I tried to explain to her that Darth Vader was not a generic name for a robot type thing, but she just didn't seem to get it. She would make comments like, "you always used to watch Star Wars on TV...". And I would say, "when did I watch Star Wars on TV?" And she would say, "all the time. It was on every week". "You mean Star Trek?" I would ask. "I don't know, I guess so" she would say, "it had spaceships in it". And I would just roll my eyes.

Yes, I did used to watch Star Trek when I was quite young. Before Star Wars it was the only show I found interesting (yup, I'm old enough to remember watching shows from BEFORE Star Wars!!). I kinda lost interest in it though... especially after they started getting into all the spin off shows. Boy, that got tired real quick.
If it is ok??? I present to you the "Dark Vader" lid


Hey Mike, I was more hoping that Pete will put his on backwards, like a bonnet and take a picture. He mentioned he wanted to do that and put it as his avatar.

The pic above is not too bad, considering the price and that he admitted it is used.

So Pete, put on the bonnet!!!

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