How much is rent for a 1 bedroom apt in your area??

Where is "around here"

Middle of No Where. :lol: :p Illinois, the horrible southern part to boot. :lol: :p;) My family has been in the buisness for about 10 years now, and some of the places that aren't theirs are absoutly horrible. Theirs are deffintly above the average, and have been noted to be cheaper than they should be to boot. Some of them I dislike, but they are all very nice either way. I think they have one thats a studio apt. that goes for about $250 or so, and for whatever reason people love it. :lol: But ya, $300 for a 1 bedroom apt, but the nicest ones, like the 3 bedroom ones go for much more. :) (I can't remember what utilitys come with what, I know some come with water and cable, but I don't think thats the norm for all of them. I'm not much into that part of the buisness.:p
All kidding aside Debbie, your probably not going to find anything cheaper in California. it is very expensive to live here as you well know. I was thinking about moving out of state myself but after looking around, it's expensive no matter where you go unless your willing to live in a dump.
Middle of No Where. :lol: :p Illinois, the horrible southern part to boot. :lol: :p;) My family has been in the buisness for about 10 years now, and some of the places that aren't theirs are absoutly horrible. Theirs are deffintly above the average, and have been noted to be cheaper than they should be to boot. Some of them I dislike, but they are all very nice either way. I think they have one thats a studio apt. that goes for about $250 or so, and for whatever reason people love it. :lol: But ya, $300 for a 1 bedroom apt, but the nicest ones, like the 3 bedroom ones go for much more. :) (I can't remember what utilitys come with what, I know some come with water and cable, but I don't think thats the norm for all of them. I'm not much into that part of the buisness.:p

So you can "set us up" LOL, the hubby and me??

It would be much better if I know the owners.

I just want to get out of So Cal too. What is the living like there? big city? small town??
All kidding aside Debbie, your probably not going to find anything cheaper in California. it is very expensive to live here as you well know. I was thinking about moving out of state myself but after looking around, it's expensive no matter where you go unless your willing to live in a dump.

I think you are right, maybe not a dump, but maybe BFE to get something cheaper. My son moved to North Carolina, as Pete said. My nephew moved to Texas, not sure where but he is buying a house for $80,000, and he is happy as pie. He and his new wife.

My sister is in Sacramento. My biggest problem with moving would be leaving my oldest son. He is in Simi Valley. But we talk about getting out of Dodge every once and ahwile and maybe he, Mark and I will just scram.

Who knows....
you would love my town... we even have a tree growing out of our courthouse!

Studio's in Flagstaff usually run from $750 and up. A lot of times you can find houses for that price if you look on craigslist. Apartments are expensive here.
You could rent a whole house in my neck of the woods for around $400 bucks a month, (a pretty nice one,) but we are out in the sticks!!! :lol:
For a legit apartment, full bathroom kitchen and living room with one bed room your looking at 1500-2500. I was walking around down town laguna beach after work the other day and they were basically renting studio cardboard boxe apartments next to the beach for around a 1.000 a month! cost of living in so.calif is outragous. Im thinking of buying a street bike because gas is nearly 5 dollars in places here!!!!!
Like these guys say, you should totally move to NC! (y);)

Yeah seriously, NC is where it's at. Raleigh is in the top 5 list of best cities to find a job (lost the link to the article) and Wake County (where Raleigh and Cary is) has one of the best public school systems in the nation, (no article, but it's always talked and bragged about in the newspaper).
Hey, not to mention EPIC Games is around here too.:p
NC,SC Hilton Head, Savannah are all nice and moderate priced. My parents /sisters live there. My moms 2 bedroom townhouse is like 800 a month. They do down to 400 and up to 1200 in her gated community.

I live in michigan, where you dont want to live. Im in Kalamazoo, and the weather for 200 miles around is not worth the hassle in the winter.

Apts are about 400-1000 depending on the community.

If i had it to do over, I wouldnt own a big house, id build a hosue with a big kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living, and nothing else. You could do that for 100k here, and be a comfy as all get out.
when I was in Tallahassee its about 400-800 for a 1 bedroom. much higher in the nicer areas, but near downtown and on FSU campus area its in the 500 range. I paid about 675 for a two bedroom, with balcany and fireplace overlooking a golfcourse near the downtown area.

Here in Sarasota I pay 975 for a similar sized place with no fireplace. (though this place has a pool) And this is one of the cheaper places. the 1 bedroom offered here is 750. And its that price because i get an employee discount for working at Comcast. Its kinda expensive here the closer you get to the beach area lol. from 1000-1500 for a 1 bedroom.
Depending on where you go in Utah, 1 bedroom apartments range from $350-$600. Here in the Logan area, they are around $350-$450, but if you look around, you can easily find a 2 bedroom for not much more. When my wife and I were looking for an apartment when we got married a couple of years ago, we found some really nice 2 bedroom apartments for $525 that were partially furnished and had washer/dryer (not hookups, but the machines themselves)
you would love my town... we even have a tree growing out of our courthouse!

ah greensburg... I live in Cincinnati, mine and my wife's families both live in Greenwood, so i stop at the greensburg walmart alot on my way back and forth to look for SW figs and to stretch, pee, get a drink etc. not like it's a long drive or anything, but often we leave cincy go to greenwood and then back to cincy in the same day so a quick stop is nice.

i've also been in that very courthouse to pay a speeding ticket while I was in college, i got stopped by a purple camero!
1 bedroom? Well I have been looking for a handicapped equiped 2 bedroom for my mom and a really nice one is like 950 and a really crappy one is around 500. I have found some nice ones close to me for 6-700. I would assume a 1 bedroom wuld be 50-100 bucks less.
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