All functional belt order will have to be refunded


Active Hunter
Hey guys,

This is not what I wanted, and I'm truley sorry I will have to refund everyone on functional belts.

Yesterday was just more than I could handle. Yesterday my car was stolen which had all the belts and boxes and supplies in. I was taking it with me so I could work on what was left. I did make a report but I don't think I'm going to get my supplies back the way they were.

Yesterday I took my fiance the the doctor for a check up. We were both devistated to find out that we miscarried. That is when we left to find out that my car was no longer in the parking lot. I'm still in a bit of shock with everything and I'm sorry for not posting this yesterday when it happened but I wasn't up to talking much yesterday.

The only thing I can offer you guys is a full refund or if you still need a belt, I can offer you a non-functional as I have plenty of those still, and just refund you the difference. I do get paid today and will refund you all, just please bear with me as there are a few of you. I would like to refund in order of payments recieved if thats ok with everyone.

Again I really don't know what to say or how to apologize more. So if you have a belt order from me, please pm me what you would like, full refund or a non-functional plus refund difference, and your pp addy and I will get with you.

Thank you all, and again I am truly sorry.
Man I was just about to PM on my nonfunctional belt. I'm so sorry to hear all that Taco. I hope they find your car and belts the way they were. Good luck man.

sometimes I forget about the world we live in. I live in a small town and we just dont have that much crime. worst we have around here is bicycles get stolen and the occasional mail box vandalized. our last murder in this town was probably 5 years ago.. that was pretty big... hopefully things balance back out. I dont know you personally, but in the short time ive been here you come across on this board as very well liked and respected member. I really hope things get better for you and your family.
I'm very sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and your family.

As for my belt... that's the least of my worries. If you need the cash right now, take your time. I don't want you to get hit with cash issues on top of it all. Take the fiancé out for a nice dinner or cook her something romantic. Just don't worry about my belt or the money.

When the dust settles and you get back on your feet, we can figure out about the belt issue.

Take care of yourself and your family.
Wow Taco, sorry to hear about your news bro. lets hope they get the bastards who stole your car and that you and your fiance will be blessed again soon.
I didn't order from you but if it is of any comfort at all here in OKC we recover 98% of all stolen cars within 48 hours. Almost all of the m with just minor damage. Most thieves use them for joy riding or a quick form of transportation. The days of the Chop-Shops are almost non existent. You stepping up and refunding the purchases is GREAT karma and you know things come back around.

"The true measure of a man is not found in good times but how he holds his head in bad." -Wise Dude-
Sorry bruv... that sucks about the belts! :angry As Ben says, I hope they catch the B@stards!
I hope you and your fiance recover from this very soon... :cry
Thank you guys for all your kind words, I'm taking off work early today to go be with Jessica at home. She's taking a few days off from work and I don't want her to be at home alone for too long. I appericate those who pm'd me with your patiance. I will pm you all back as soon as I can.
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