G.I. Joe Movie cast photos!!!!!!

No, I'm not saying they have to go exactly like the old school Scarlett, just something in between her and the movie costumed Batman Scarlett. For an example, during the Superman Returns and Spider-Man movies, the actors were wearing muscle suits under their spandex costumes and it looked good and still natural. Having sculpted on muscles for the movie Snake-Eyes suit doesn't look natural.

Same for the other JOEs. Too much Batman looking. Now Batman Begins was an amazing movie and his costume was cool (and they tried to give an explanation what the suit actually was), and they still stuck to the basic Batman history. This movie will almost certainly completely change the G.I. JOE characters history completly. Blah.
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webchief said:
I have held out ZERO faith that this movie would be any good from the moment I heard they were going to make it. Now that pics are leaking out it's confirmed for me. This is going to be another thing from our childhood that gets processed and spit out like some rehashed piece of re-engineered garbage! Snake Eyes is the ONLY thing that looks cool and even then the sculpted mouth is absurd. Baroness looks hot but then WHY not give her the glasses we all expect her to have? WHY?


yeah this pretty much sums up my opinion of how this is going to turn out:(
makes ya wonder what there gonna do with cobra comander and destro !?

will he even have the face shield helmet or what??
Well now that they made Cover Girl a blonde instead of a redhead...I guess I'll just stick to my old school costume. I do so love the bomber jacket anyway.

Andy's Snakeyes is and always will be my favorite costume. Especially his version with the tube sock.... lol Got to love DragonCon.
Here's something I read on the MWG board and don't know, if it is reliable. If it is, then the costumes are the least of our problems.

That's not the script they are using. Latinoreview posted a recent review of the newest script and fell in love with it. BUT Paramount made them remove the review.

I don't know. I'm kinda going back and forth on this now.

1) Love Ray as Snake Eyes! No doubt about that.

2) not too keen on the formed lower face portion of the face mask of Snake Eyes. BUT maybe they put the formed mouth part in so Ray could BREATHE in the costume. So, I'm not going to complain too much. That's really the only problem I had with him.
3) the others look too much like Snake Eyes. ALL BLACK!! NOBODY ELSE should be wearing black except SNAKE EYES!!!
4) Storm Shadow looks like he came straight out of The Matrix!!!
5) the GOOD guys should have the cool costumes! NOT the BAD GUYS!!;)

And I've heard that tis film is going to be a bit on the "campy" side. Oh well. I guess if they are going to try to gain a whole new audience and fan base for GI Joe, then they might as well try to appeal to the young ones with tons of loud explosions and fighting.:rolleyes As well as the campy humor.
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