Who can tell me about Tucson, AZ?


Looks like I may be pulling a flying job with Customs in Tucson after I retire. Anyone able to tell me about the area?
Cost of living,
Any lakes to go sailing,

Well, I actually just moved from Tucson after living there for almost 4 years.
We were renting, so not sure about home costs and things like that.
There are some other guys on TDH who are still living in Tucson, Jarvis and Firstsonofsolo live in Tucson. There are a few other 501st guys down there, too, but I don't know if they're on TDH or not.
Jimmy BUFFett lives in Phoenix and he works in the flying industry as well. They'd probably be able to give you more info.
I have lived in Tucson for the majority of my life, and I would not want to live anywhere else. :) The weather is great, and once you establish yourself into a niche you'll find that the people are very friendly. There's plenty of things to do, and if you get too hot you can just head up to Mt. Lemmon!

Cost of living is among the lowest in the country. You can find a home in the $100k's if you really want, if you don't mind the mass-manufactured home subdivisions. :p Some good lakes are a couple hours away, Lake Roosevelt and Lake Powell are my personal favorites. Patagonia is ok, but the water is a little murky, and I haven't been there in a loooong time.

Welcome to Tucson!
My sister in law and her family live in Tucson. It's alright I guess. Kinda boring and really hot but not the worst place you could live.
There is one awesome thing right now about Tucson: the gas prices are the lowest in the country! Phoenix is not that far behind. I haven't lived in Tucson, so I can't give too many details about recreation. But if you are getting a flying job, there is one thing I can tell you: some (not all) of the air traffic controllers at Tucson International are nasty and disrespectful.:angry Most pilots I work with say the same thing. The airport itself is really nice, though. Tucson is a great city to fly over ... great scenery! I think that's one thing you'll definitely enjoy.(y)
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