Any difference between the helmets?


New Hunter
...Between Boba and Jango, btw.

I found the Boba Helmet templates, and I thought Maybe I can make Jango's from the same thing.

I'm just curious if there's any difference between the two. I tried watching AotC and ESB/RotJ, but my screen is too small. (I'm using a PSP. And using the TV-Out function will mess the images up)

...I'm pretty much of a newb at Star Wars costuming. Help, please?
well, you came to the right place to find out! im sure all the boba and jango builders here can square you away. my mando's a custom so that question isnt one for my expertise to answer. but, the obvious difference is the dent. also, if im not mistaken, jangos helmet has more a of flare to the cheeks then bobas.
Yes, you can use the Boba templates to make a Jango helmet. That's exactly what I did. ;)

You'll have to extend the ends of the horizontal part of the visor near the "ears". The right ear ( the one with the range finder ) is in the closed position, unlike Bobas which is in the open position. These are the two main and most notable differences. Almost forgot... Jangos dome sits 5mm ( half a centimeter ) lower than Bobas.

Your best bet is to find as many pictures from here and on the net of Jangos helmet to use as reference. Aside form that, if you need any more specific help... just ask as that's what we're here for. :)
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Thanks a lot, guys. I'm planning to scratchbuild one, since I can't really buy one in my location.

Now if only I had a wider resource... Other than the official website and Wookiepedia.

Thanks again!
And the key wholes are more centerd but there are actualy alot of minor difrentces. like jango 72 said just look at as many pics as posible just use ur serch engine
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