Firstsonofsolo in Hospital

I am glad to hear it is "relatively" minor. That waiting is so very difficult. Once they have the exact diagnosis and can determine the course of treatment. It will be a great relief.

Truly glad to hear that he can and will full recover!

Having a peice removed out of you is still serious in my book. :lol: :p ;) Here's to wishing you a nice and fast recovery! :cheers
Chris this is in good spirits and resting till morning , It is his gallbladder and so far as I know should be a minor surgery. His wife said he will be home within the next few days and she will keep us posted .
When I talked to him this morning he wanted me to thank every one here for their support , He thinks of all of you as Family.
I'll update as soon as I know more.
Ah yes, the good ol' gall bladder. If they do it with the laproscope he'll be up and running in no time. I know a lot of people who have had it removed. Best wishes.
Jarvis is correct. I got a hold of Chris today. It is a gallbladder issue, and he will be needing surgery tomorrow (Saturday.) He should be back home shortly. The great news is that nothing is catastrophically wrong.
Hi everyone Chris has just gotten out of surgery and is doing fine(y)
He'll be resting at the hospital for a day or so then home, I expect we'll hear from him very soon .
had my gall bladder out two yrs hurts like hell when its gone wrong....worse than child birth a nurse told me........mine was out in a morning with key hole surgery. i just look like ive taken a few saber stabs now.......all the best fsos.....i have shared yr pain.

here to a full recovery, it is a damn relief to be rid of the gall bladder, believe up bro................J
Thank you all for the warm and well wishes. I was sent home sunday afternoon. The did remove my gallbladder saturday evening laproscopically (spl?) I have a few holes in me now but I am feeling better now. It is still kind of hard to sit upright so this is my first chance to get online. I should be back up to par in another day or so but out of work for at least a week maybe two because I do alot of heavy lifting at work. Again thank you all my brothers and sisters!

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