Hey everyone

ACScarface UK GMC

New Hunter
I'm new here

I thought I'd introduce myself
My names James
Scar is my nicky

I'm a P.S.C/P.M.C
working for Armour group
I'm currently stationed in Camp Abu-Ghraib in Afghanistan

My hobbies include
and ... Cosplay for Daft Punk and What ever takes my fancy

I have seen a member is serving in Iraq
I wish him the best (It has been a **** storm recently)
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Whoa whoa whoa! Daft Punk?! That's what I'm talking about! Do you have Bangalter's or Homem-Christo's helmets? If so, I gotta see pics!
Nice avatar btw.
Welcome, and thanks for serving.
Cheers lads I was a tad worried about How having a P.M.C around servicemen would be taken

I shall put up some pics of the latest and greatest when my tour is over
Prox 3-4 weeks its 9 months service 3 month rest
Here we go lads these are my Dp Helmet




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