Blaster ESB Recipe

Here's a basic diagram of how it was done.


Custom barrel setup.jpg
next question, can you make a green nerf dart firing one, rotj or esb :p

that is the best custom work ive ever seen... i have a mate who will definately want one of those setups for his custom.. any ideas on a rough price? :p
Got my blaster a few days ago, and not to my surprize its a freakin piece of beauty.Once I find me a flash tube I will post some pic.Thanks for the help SAS(y)
I hate asking stupid questions , but I couldnt find any prices on this thread. what is the price of a finished standard ESB blaster and on something like the.. Gulp... custom chain gun one? :)
Got wood?

This isn't a FS thread so PM me for pricing.

That isn't a 'chain gun', chain guns only ever have a single barrel - it is in fact a gatling gun.

NB. The 'chain' of chain gun comes from the fact the loading/firing/ejection mechanism is powered by a chain drive rather than the blowback action from firing, eg. the Apache Helicopter's 30mm is a chain gun.
A common naming mistake made by numerous films & comp games etc.

Very nice!! I'm excited as hell about this as I get to carry it as Fett at the Star Wars Exhibit coming to the MN Science Museum in a couple of weeks....


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