Interet thread and suggestions, STUNT ROTJ Blaster

Yep!! She's almost finished. Everything but the stock grebblies and the handle. I'm mostly shocked just how big this gun is!! Look for the interest thread to start on or around the 15th. The price will most likely be 135.00 shipped anywhere. The ROTJ version will be first, followed bt the ESB version two weeks later. Thanks for being patient guys! Those durn Biker Scouts have been keeping me busy!! :lol:
Hey i just had a questions. Is the barrel hollowed? Just qurious and will probably be intrested in one once you get it all finalized. Take it easy and cheers!
The barrel end will be nice an hollow, similair to that grreat pic in the latest Star wars Insider (the 100 issue); but the whole of the main body will be filled.
As for the build, it's going well! This has been much harder than I thought, but I'm very pleased with the results.
From sourcing the bomb rack greeblies, to scratch building the stock plates, to recreating the sag and drag of the t-track, I've had alot of fun working on this. It's always been my favorite Start Wars blaster, and I'm giddy to get on on my shelf.

I'm positive that in a week or two, you guy's I'll be blown away by this blaster! Thansk for hanging in there with me!!
Nearing the end of the progress, im starting to get pretty interested in this one, especially after seeing a pic... Ill let ya know if im in for one once you put up a pic of the final result :D

I love my scratchbuild, but she is showing a little bit of wear and tear now...

Just wondering, are you going to cast these up in black rubber? :D
Can't wait to see the results!! I was asking about it being hollowed out cause I was thinking about installing a led for the blaster end. I was hopeing to have it set up so the activation for the led would be near the trigger. What is your personal opinion about this based on your blaster? And again can't wait. Cheers!
I'm so glad you guys are still excited about this! I was so surprised when the Scout Blaster sales took off (I'm casting #'s 40-55 this week), and I felt down right rotten when I didn't give this build the attention I should have beofre we all got hit in the wallet over gas prices (I'm still going to keep the price as low as possible, even though Smooth-On's prices and the shipping costs have gone up too).

As for the make-up of the blaster, the ROTJ version will be cast in dark grey, and PREPAINTED with all the rust, black, and gold weathered glory. The blaster, cast over a rigid skeleton of high impact, square tube, will be filled with a 'nerf' stlye foam, with an outer skin of harder rubber. You won't be able to get any elctronics or moving parts into it without heavily destruction and modification.

You will be able to bounce it though . . :lol:

I'll be posting pics very soon fo this beauty, and we'll go form there!! Thanks!
Thanks again for everyone stivking around on this while I play catchup on other projects. I've got a (bad) pic below, but you can see that she's almost there. I'll be done by the weekend, and redy to start the real thread up on Monday. I'm very pleased with this so far, and am glad you guys are sticking around.
The final price has been set at 120 for a finished blaster. An initial preorder (order now if you want**shrugs**) of 5 will get us of and running, and the first run will be capped at 15. We'll add more as needed, and as I get the items shipped off.
Thanks again guys!

I noticed it doesn't have a trigger or a scope. I am assuming that the final one will come with a trigger and a scope? also would the $120 include shipping? If it comes with a scope and trigger, put me down for your first run ROTJ blaster!!!!
Ha! Love your signature!!
Yea, I'm doing the scope as we speak, an the trigger willbe one of the last detailpeices to go on. I'll have to do the shipping math for domestic and international, and see what kinda deal i can get on boxes for that final price. We're still going to be well within the 120-150 range. I'll update on that asap.
Hiya Hotshot,

Interested in the ROTJ - obviously pending pix of the finished article!!
Great work so far!

Quick Q: The rear upper part of the stock (top left in this pic) seems a bit high to me:


In comparison to, say, the MR blaster:

Where the top edge of the stock looks 'flatter'. What do you think?

Due to the materials you use in the creation of the blaster, could someone customise the shape of the stock if they wanted to?

Hope I don't offend with my questions, just trying to lend a hand in the accuracy department!! (y)
No biggie! Glad you like!
I'm using shots of the real blaster from the Visual Dictionary, and photos of the real thing from museum displays ontop of any other eference i can get my paint cover hands on.
The blueprints are a huge help too. In everything, the stocks got that wierd warp.
Personally, I'm not putting any stock into the MR bleaster. They really dropped the ball on it. I've been messing with that durn stock since I started, and so far, it's looking okay, but I may shave it down a bit.

The main body has a core of PVC pipe, and is sculpted up in Apoxie sculpt. The barrel fins are made from plastic, but are actually scuplted to look more like the t-track than plastic. It was fun to give the track little warps here and there to mimic how that stuff settles. I used my sabers as a reference. I've got a really nice Luke ANH. :)

The stock is foam core, with Apoxie scuplt skin. Even though apoxie sculpt is a bit of an overkill, I want this thing to survive the molding for the ESB build.

Thansk for the feedback! Anyone see anything else?
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