Zyea, my new bucket.


Jr Hunter
So I got my new jango bucket in, not bad for used, only a couple of paint spots to touch up, and it needs helmet liner/pads. other than that its good to go. And yes I do look like a bobble head, its okay when I get the rest done It'll fix that prob. Oh yeah and eventually some weathering.


And yes I'm well aware I'm a dork lol.
Yeah dude, looks good overall. And yes, we are ALL dorks (and damn proud too.)
Maybe I'm trippin' and it's just an illusion caused by the camera, but the vertical section of the visor looks wider at the bottom and gets slightly more narrow as it goes up. Is it really like that?
Hey thanks guys, glad ya like it.

Yeah dude, looks good overall. And yes, we are ALL dorks (and damn proud too.)
Maybe I'm trippin' and it's just an illusion caused by the camera, but the vertical section of the visor looks wider at the bottom and gets slightly more narrow as it goes up. Is it really like that?

LOL, yeah I got look'n at it and at the bottom of the T it wasn't fully centered makeing the mandibles flare about 2/8's of inch. lol, It would be easy to fix, its just hot glued in, but unless the 501st guys say anything about I'm gona leave it. To tell ya the truth I like it, it reminds me of the CG Jango from Bounty Hunter for the PS2.

Myles, Who made this bucket? Looks good!

I bought it from Simmon M, and he bought it from another guy who originally built/painted it, but I'm not sure I'm aloud to say who cuz I only have his real name.

Off topic: WOOT my 100th post, lol.
Sry haha, I don't know, and won't be able to due to the fact that my contact dosent know lol.

Glad to see your back on the boards FSoS, glad the op went smooth. ;)
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