dha'kad junn concept

dha kad junn

Jr Hunter
hi all i thought i should show off my finalised design for my custom mando
some of you from kote mandalorians may have seen this already
my mando

my clan symbol (sorry about the size)

comments and criticisms welcome
Looking good, I Like the cool to see your going wit a Kama. Quick question, I know were you got your pic from, but how did you get it off the site program, it wouldn't let me save mine?
Anyways can't wait to see progpics.
to get the picture off the mando editor i managed to print it to file as a PDF though it took quite a few goes to get it right, if you have a print screen button on your keyboard
that should work as well.as for progress pics i'm still at the aquiring resources stage
You can always take a screen capture by using the "print screen" button. Then open Microsoft Paint and paste it in, then crop it and your good to go.

Very nice custom design!
for my weaponry i'm planning to make two DC-15s sidearm blasters
(any help would be apprecciated) also i'm planning on buying a DC-17 blaster
rifle8).For my gauntlet weaponry i'm going to make two retractable vibroblades(one for each side) on my right gaunt i will also have a flamethrower and on my left i will have a datapad (for remote detonation of all sorts of goodies:))
i'll post all of my ideas over here for dissection:lol:
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