Girth belt construction


Active Hunter
I searched around the forums, and either the answer I need is burried very deeply, or it's just considered "common knowledge" and I will be showing my newbie-ness by asking... Anyway...

The girth belt - I have deduced that it is horse gear, and even know what it actually is now. :lol: But my question is this - is the Fett belt actually two girth belts connected together (top and bottom) or is it a style of belt I simply have not seen from images of tack on the web? All the ones I find online have a single buckle on each end. They look exactly like what would happen if you took Boba's belt and divided down the middle, discarding half of it. Or, to look at it the other way round - Boba's belt looks exactly like what would happen if you took two of these belts and layered them together, top and bottom.
Well... those are good pics of the belts, but my question was about whether they are purchased like this, or if they are made from two belts.
Thats a great link. One question - on the website it only shows 42". Now I'm not a skinny mini but I'm not 42" around the gut either. How do you shorten them up?
Thats a great link. One question - on the website it only shows 42". Now I'm not a skinny mini but I'm not 42" around the gut either. How do you shorten them up?

you can't shorten them up and there should be a option to choose another size. They are always up and down with sizes being in stock but if you give it time they be back
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