Goldenrod's Republic Commando progress


Active Hunter
Just wanted to share some progress i've made on my RC. I going with the Sev paint scheme. I'm using Video game screen caps as ref. I just finished the chest and added more detail to the shoulders and helmet.
What do you think?

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Thanks guys:cheers
IIts a kit i'm puttin together,modifing and paintin like a TK.
If you mean build by me scuplting and making the armor then no.
Yes it does! For second there I thought you had just posted a screencap! ;) Can't wait to see it all done! :cheers
Thanks guys!
I wasn't real happy with the lines on the ab/cod, so i toned it done a bit.
Heres what i looks like now.

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Just finished up the back and butt armor.





Believe it or not I have not used an airbrush on any of this RC kit. Its all chalk pastels with paint brushes.
Then sealed with a satin clear cote. I like this technique waaaay better than the airbrush. You get the same effect but without all the hassel of cleaning and setup of the airbrush.
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Yeah i really like it.
This technique allows you to go fast wit great results. I like it because it gives you the airbrush look without the headache of setup,cleanup and paint mixing and etc. I have 2 airbrushes and know how to use them very well but i barely use them if ever. Once you done this pastel chalk tech and get the hang of it(which isn't hard)and have reference pics to go by as you work its alot of fun really. If you don't like it you can take a wet towel and wipe it off and start over.
I was taught this tech by a pro model minature builder and FX guy (Carl Horner) that works in Hollywood in college days many,many moons ago. He the underwater minatures for the Abyss. Great guy, had alot to share in different techs. And alot of cool stories while workin on different films.
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