Rangefinder circuits, official sign up thread

Arrgg...little bad news. The tilt switches I got in this purchase are just not working. The original switches I had a couple years ago, worked fantastic ut went discontinued. It took me awhile but I found a good sub. The last batch I ordered, I got a couple bad ones. It seems like a tolerance issue or possibly a design change, not sure. This time around I ordered a few extra, anticipating a few bad apples. This time I only got 2 that worked correctly. The good news is that I should have enough to cover those who have paid so far. I work like to have everyone else hold off payment for the moment until I can contact my vendor on Monday and see what is going on with these. This is the main component, and I need to make sure I can deliver. Thanks in advance, hopefully this will only be a short delay.
Wow, these look awesome.
Can anybody confirm the battery life (of both external and self-contained) on these units? Like, how long of continuous use, will the lights blink?

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are you still taking ppl for the wait list??
if so id like to get on that.! i dont mind the wait at all

thanks bud, great circuits BTW...vrey nice work
Quick update, I ordered more switches from another source. I am hoping these switches work out. I have enough left to finish those who have paid. Waiting to verify I can get good switches before I take anymore sign-ups or payments.
I'm with Jluck.

If you start taking up orders agian I'll take a self contained one, maybe 2 depending on when you start up agian.

Have a good one,
Got the new shipment of switches last night. They seem to be working good, so we are a go again(y) Whew, I got loaded with more interests while dealing with the switch issue. Hopefully, I got everyone sorted on the list now. If you sent me a PM, etc and don't see your name on the list, please PM me. I want to be fair as possible and get everyone in order. Some of you I know are waiting for a few things from me, I hope to get you what you need by this weekend. If the weekend ends, and I still havent gotten back to you, don't hesitate to PM me again. Like I said, trying to keep up with everything but may have missed some. Thanks for the patience:cheers
I'd like to be kept in mind for a future run, as there's no rush for me. :)

I'm interested in a self contained unit, in the Jango style.

I am going to cut-off signups after run 5 is full. As the weather is improving, I have a few big outside projects to do around the house:lol: so I will need a little break. Thanks(y)
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