
Active Hunter

So after trying to dye my girth I finally lost it and went down to my neighborhood paint store. I brought a color so they could match it correctly and bought a LATEX stain to dye it with. It worked amazing and its so much easier and it does'nt rub off on your flightsuit. So heres what I did


First I get my paint roller liner, stain and girth ready to dye.

Then I pour the stain in the liner and begin to soak the girth untill its obsorbed enough stain so theres no white showing. Make sure you force it in with your fingers and hands.


Then once you have it soaked with stain your gona want to ring out the excess stain so it can dry quicker.



Your going to want to hang it up so it can dry but while its hanging get a rag and blot out as much excess stain as you can. Make sure you don't rub it or it will fray, only blot it. Then when thats done just let it air dry for about 24 to 48 hours and your all set. The key thing is to only get latex stain because all other stains will eat and corrode your girth. A pint of stain costs about thirty bucks but it saves you all the headaches that come along with dyes. A pint will dye two girths so if your doing more then that I suggest to buy a gallon. I have only done this in ROTJ color but they can match any color you like.

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Thats funny, thats how I usually die, but I use thinned down water base paint. Thats great. Also, if you have a heat gun it can speed up the dry time. But if you let it dry naturally, it is better.

One question, whats the results. I know mine always comes out kinda harder then when it went in as I stain with water based paint, but with what you use, is the fabric still the same for the most part? I suppose yes?

Thats cool!:)
Nice idea! (y)

After my dye fiasco, I just grabbed a can of rust colored primer and sprayed it on...worked like a dream. :lol:
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It gets a little stiff untill you work it around and then its just like new. I forgot one thing this stuff is perminant so make sure you like the color you choose. Since its latex it cleans up wicked sweet.
It gets a little stiff untill you work it around and then its just like new. I forgot one thing this stuff is perminant so make sure you like the color you choose. Since its latex it cleans up wicked sweet.
if you rub Vasoline on the buckles, the paint won't adhere to them. then just wash it off.
Thats a working color in the pics and you do not need acetone, just stain. JUst find a color that matches whatever belt your doing and bring the color to the paint store. Show the guy or girl working there and have them match the color. If you don't like the color have him/her lighten or darken it to your liking.
Can anyone pass on to me the exact paint properties needed to actually do this myself.. Ive been wanting to do it myself over here in Australia, and it was a pain in the *** just to get the Mahair Girthbelt through customs, took weeks to clear, and after the Irradiation it may stuff up the paint.. :S plus sending paint internationally costs heaps as a dangerous good transport.. :S

Basically Brand Names really dont work, however details like the Stain used ie Wax Stain, not a Stain and Finish, Red Mahogany Colour etc... Mostly after the paint properties... Since we dont really have a Colonial Red over here it would require mixing, which could get disasterous if not done right, assuming doing a girth this way is a one shot deal... Im mostly after what type of paint ie weatherguard (outside), interior, acryllic, enamel, etc... as much help you can give would be awesome :D
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