Where can I get a helmet?


Jr Hunter
I'm looking for a helmet (not don post or rubies) for my custom mando. I'm not able to buy anything right now, but am getting an idea of where to buy the other parts of my armor from and just need the helmet. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Alright, I forgot to put this in the first one. But I'm looking for some UNPAINTED gauntlets. If I could get a quote for them that would be awesome. Thanks.
Just do some research in the many helmet threads on this board. Almost every one mentions a maker such as Bobamaker, Fettpride, Sgt. Fang...the list goes on. Or look in the cargo hold. Stuff goes on sale all the time.
Ya, if your looking for a cheap helmet, you could grab a mystery helmet from Sg. Fang (Don't use Ebay what ever your do!).....Just check out the Fett forums and you'll do just fine. Use the search bar if you need help finding anything, it's a life saver. :lol: Or mabey its a Starburst........Which ever one. :lol:
Again just echoing others before me... and trust me when I say I hate to say this... if you 'search' helmets? you will see many threads and makers offering their wares.

All depends on what your after? they range from:-

The very cheap (Ebay - stay away from them) :thumbsdown:
Reasonable (Gypsyboy & Sgt. Fang) :thumbsup:
Accuracy (TerminalFettler/Bobamaker & FP) :thumbsup:

Any of these makes listed above are stand up guys make some inquiries with each of them and make your decision from that?

Hope that helps... ;)
Master Replicas just made an awesome Boba Fett helmet. There are a few errors to it, but they can be fixed. Personally, I think the helmet is great on its own and you don't notice the errors on it.

However, I wear a BM. It's a great helmet, highly recommended.
OR you could make your own! :D

Check out the WoF's Templates, see if they're up to your speed... especially if you have a campus / office printer you can hijack for free printing... heh...

Seriously, you can build yourself a helmet to be proud of! :) I'm going to start one once I have some spare pocket money again...
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