What material is this?

Whoa! That really needs some TLC. Seriously, that has much better prospects than what I bought before finding this place. Good luck with that.
Whoa! That really needs some TLC. Seriously, that has much better prospects than what I bought before finding this place. Good luck with that.

I have looked, and looked at this bucket all day off and on, and I don't think it needs TLC, but a stick of TNT. Sorry Hunter, but if you can rehab it you will indeed be the Fett expert.
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You dont need to be pro at doing many things. My suggestion for those raised spots is to file or sand them off. If the surface gets really thin, add fiberglass to it. If you poke a hole in one part while filing, just glue in a piece of cardboard behind it and add body filler and smooth it out. So its not that much TLC to get this working but.
I have looked, and looked at this bucket all day off and on, and I don't think it needs TLC, but a stick of TNT. Sorry Hunter, but if you can rehab it you will indeed be the Fett expert.

:lol: Too funny!
If I bust my rear end on this thing and it still looks horrible, I'll go with a "I just crawled out of the Sarlacc's belly" motif. :cheers

At least it doesn't look like this "helmet" :lol:

bad fett helmet.jpg
Progress pix:

I'm not sure which bumps and depressions to fill in on the top of dome and the back of the helmet. (obviously not THE big dent) Any suggestions?



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This is a tough one. It isn't just bumps and depressions, the whole thing is wonky. If I was going to try to fix it I would take auto putty and fill all the depressions I could find, then I would take 60 grit sandpaper and just go at the whole helmet until the surface was pretty much even all over. It'll be a lot of work, but if you're willing to do it I think there is some potential in there for a decent lid.
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