Interet thread and suggestions, STUNT ROTJ Blaster

Pop open your Visual Dictionaries, and you'll see what I mean. The front tech section has a shot of the whole scop, the rear photos on Boba's page, he's holding the stunt version that luke chops.
I don't like the chop scope look. But if you can make it interchangeable scopes to mount, it always good to be able to accessorize at a whim.
I'm loving the responses to this thread, and the ideas. Kudos guys and gals!
I'll be hopin' around this weekend to get the main body done/ready for photos, and we'll go from there!!!

Thanks again gang!
this sounds like something I'm interested in. I agree with pretty much everything that's been said so far and I'd rather have a regular scope than the shortened version he's holding in the VD
Interest thread/suggestions STUNT ROTJ Blaster PIC UP

i'm a little behind on the updates. Sorry. I'm not entirely satisfied with the look of the grip. I'm having a ton of trouble with the texture.
Here's a pic of the bild so far, even though its ugly . . .


The main body needs some more sanding, but is on a solid path to being finished. THe main barrel is sharp, and I'm happy with it. While it's scratch built from Evergreen, I'v still managed to give it the warp that T-track would have. The bomb rack grebblie went together very fast, and I'll cast it up for the other side. It was kinda sick fun doing all the pipe cutting to get the widths to match each other.
Any tips/tricks/suggestions?
Thansk for all the interest gang!
it'll be around that price as the finishing touches are applied. I'll be starting an offical interest thread at the end of the week with photos.
Nothing substantial. I've been cranking out Scout pistols pretty hard, and they're taking a little bit of time away for the Fett rifle.

I can tell you that the bracket and the stock are moving along, and truthfully, I had NO clue how big this rifle really was!! Zoinks!! Definatly had some fun whipping into the ROTJ "don't be bringin' that thermal detonator in here" pose!!

My major hurdles now are the scope and the grip texture. That's about it. I should have pic up in a few days, if everything goes according to plan. I'm also a little distracted while getting my Ghostbuster suit for Marcon going. First time in a long time I've gotten to work on my own suit.

Stay tuned!!
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