North Texas Prop Party!! FEB 16th

Friendly's this weekend...for all you North Texas folks...although I think most of you already posted over at the RPF...

See you there.:)
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Would you believe my Dad is in Texas on business and before he went he actually said to me 'come with me for a few days it'll be fun' no I thought, would what I do with myself, DOH!! :lol: How cool would that have been?? Have a great time guys, Pics pics pics!!! :thumbsup:
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Had a Great time:cheers... wanted to post these for the guys here locally that weren't able to attend.

TDHer's that were there: Me, Darthmiller, Batninja, Evan4218, Mark Miller, Mistercraig, Shackman, Womo68 and Brian (sorry brian, forgot your screen name):p

Awesome guys!! lets do it again soon....:thumbsup:










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I drove through Roanoke yesterday! I'm on a tour around Texas for the moment, and WHY didnt I see this before?! One of the few times I am in the US, and I manage to miss this, and EVEN WORSE, I WAS IN THE DAMN TOWN xD
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Pretty cool stuff ! :thumbsup:

I think Jason is a proud "papa-D2" :lol: As well he SHOULD be !!

Who's 3PO?

Oh, and cute vacuum forming tutorial ;) :lol:

Wish I could have been there !!

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Wow! Lots of great stuff on display. Wish I coulda been there.
Thanks for sharing the pics. :)
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Wish I could've made it down! Looks like you guys had a great time. Nice collections. Cute little Audrey 2 on the display case.:)
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Great pics Alex, and a great time. Never knew about the Halo helmet (and other stuff I've seen on that table). GUess it was gone before I got there (or while I was soldering). I missed out on some props. :(

Yes, DarthMiller IS a proud R2 Papa ... but that's all the more motivation for ME to finish one; Mwaaahaahaaa ....

Great time guys, and thanks again to our wonderful hosts! I added a couple of pics for Philip's site. My wife likes the one of me in Alex's Spartan (300) helmet, though I'm not sure why (I looked meaner than the mannequin, I'll give myself that much).

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