New Zammer Arrived!


Active Hunter
Congrats to Zam-I-Am! and Family! :thumbsup: Baby Girl Kaylee was born this afternoon (11 February ) weighing in at 6 lbs. and 6 oz. ! How long before she's suited up and ready to troop? :lol: :lol:

Wishing Mama Zam and Baby Zam all the best! (And the rest of the family too of course! ;) )
Haven't received any pics yet. :( But did receive an update - Mom is tired but everyone is doing pretty well - ZIA did promise pics soon. Hopefully we'll have those up! :D
Have a picture of the newest Zammer-Tater-Tot and the whole family!


I think she's gonna look great in Zam-purple or lavender or whatever color it is! ;)
Thank you all so much for the well wishes!!! I was tempted to name her middle name ZIA hehe, it's actually a real name, but Hubby said no way, she'd hate me forever. So, we went with a biblical name. ;)

I also disliked the fact that everything that I could possibly get for her were pink - ewe... I need purple!!! I always hated pink growing up. Well, as soon as I get some shut eye three months from now, then maybe I can go shopping for some purply zam stuff for her. :)
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