Jango Arena Jet Pack (Stubby) Blueprints


Well-Known Hunter
Jango Arena Rocketpack (Stubby) Blueprints


I have been getting back into the Fett swing of thinks and to start things off I went back and have complete redone the jet pack blueprints for both Jango and Boba. (Boba's will be posted later)

The original jet pack drawings were done few years ago and since then my reference library has grown significantly. So it was time to revisit these drawings. The originals were close and to see the differences in the two sets of drawings you would have to do an overlay. I am very pleased with this version.

Please take a look and let me know what you all think. Always looking for feedback.


Here are the Arena Rocketpack Blueprints, the templates will follow.

UPDATE 12/24/2013
Here are the latest blueprint of the Arena Pack. See attached PDF


  • Jango Stubby JP 12-24-13.pdf
    36.6 KB · Views: 3,300
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Stunning work 'as usual' glad to see your back in the Fett swing of things bro! ;)
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The templates are completed! I just need to format them on 8.5"X11" paper so that folks can print them out. As mentioned in the gauntlet thread I upgraded all of my graphic software and I can now make PDF directly from AutoCAD. I just haven't had the time.

They're almost done.

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Thank you for the link. I have to try it if the new software I have doesn't work. The software upgrades that I just installed are suppose to allow mw to use the plot command to plot directly to a PDF file. I am still working out how the process actually works. I also have the updated templates for the standard Jango/Boba Fett's rocket/jet pack ready to be converted to PDF.

Look for an update hopefully soon.

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Perfect timing Alan!

Been waiting for these. When you get a chance can you email me the pdf's or any other version's you have.

i think you sent me 3 different typs of files before.

Send them all.



Thanks man!
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His working on it right now. He has newer images to do some upgrades on it.
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Thank you for the link. I have to try it if the new software I have doesn't work. The software upgrades that I just installed are suppose to allow mw to use the plot command to plot directly to a PDF file. I am still working out how the process actually works. I also have the updated templates for the standard Jango/Boba Fett's rocket/jet pack ready to be converted to PDF.

Look for an update hopefully soon.


if your looking for a great pdf writer...try cute pdf. search for it off google, I have been running it for my auto cad for about three years and it works great. it's Free...if your having trouble still i would be happy to help you make pdf's of it...

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Are the templetes up I seem I cant find them? Or am I just over looking something? Jonnie Wishbone
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this is going to be the first prop im going to do first , i got the blue prints from a friend and printed them out from pepakura , if any one wants a set send me a pm and illsend you a link were you can download it =)
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