Origin of The Dent!

In my mind, Boba buried Jango's armor like in the Boba Fett series. (those relatively new books, taking place during the Clone Wars) And later on he found his own armor, which had been Jango's mentor's armor, Jaster Mereel. I am confident that most of the "armor damages" (including the dent) came when Jaster used the armor when he lead the mandalorians. (Read Jango Fett: Open Seasons).

I tend to never really trust EU at all though, why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT REAL! Unless George Lucas says anything, it says so on starwars.com or is in a movie, then it's notihng more than an authors imagination and should not be taken too seriously.
Maybe, just maybe, boba needed some new gear, and bought a new helmet. But when he put it on, he just didnt feel 'rugged'. So he went out and found some templates, and used some epoxy and created the dent, and then using reference pictures from his last family reunion (which was a very small gathering) re-painted the helmet using Affro$ paint list.

Topical of course.
Just my two cents on this matter.
But, the beastie bowling Jango over in the arena was DEFINATELY intended as an explaination for Boba's dent. There was no need for the detail to be so developed in that shot otherwise.
Too bad that Jango had the dent on Kamino (before he was
trampled on Geonosis.)


Well... when I'm wrong I'm wrong.... and me... I'm usually wrong! lol
Those screen caps are not altered... I just checked by DVD looking very closely on a 50" tv.... the dent did, indeed, happen on Kamino... and it's clearly there before he even starts fighting on Geonosis.

But the point is still the same: The helmet was intended to be the same one... otherwise there was no need to make it a continued detail throughout the movie... (and also no need to have Boba pick up the helmet at the end of the scene.... he could have easily picked up the head! lol)

So, EU stories aside, it seems pretty clear that they intended the helmet to be the same one.
But the dents are SO different from eachother and in different places. Boba's look's chipped and it's on the forehead. While Jango's looks actually dented-in and near the ear.

They're not even close to resembling eachother.

I think it was just on of those coincodence moments - like Anakin getting his hand cut off in Ep II and Luke getting same hand chopped off in ESB.
Nooooo.... it is intended! Otherwise it wouldn't have been so prominent.
The lightsaber Luke gets in ANH is bigger and has way different details than the one Anakin loses in Ep3... yet it is the SAME lightsaber.

Just because the details are not exactly the same does not dismiss the intended foreshadowing.
All you folks that are trying to convince yourselves otherwise are just turning a blind eye... and I'm not sure why we can't just acknowledge that this, like a lot of other details from the prequels, is an obvious nod to the original trilogy. It's got the same reminiscent feel that the other details have too.

And (I'm going to plays devil's advocate here) who says that Boba's paint on his helmet is painted OVER Jango's? Maybe that's not silver showing THROUGH the paint! Maybe that's the silver that's left after the Blue and stuff chipped off?! Maybe JANGO painted over the ORIGINAL green and red, lol! Boba obviously doesn't know how to take care of his stuff! Look at that ROTJ blaster, for example! ;) (I'm just playing with you all now)
They are two completely different helmets in shape, size, etc. The dents are in two completely different places, the dents are two completely different shapes. I can assure you that it was not foreshadowing, and that the only reason they dented Jango's helmet was because homage was being paid to the Stormtrooper that bumped his head on the doorway as in EPIV.
I don't know how this will weigh in, but in those Young Boba Fett books, there is a passage about someone helping Boba get Jaongo's armor and resizing it to fit Boba. So it's very possible that Boba started off with Jango's armor to begin with, then outgrew it (since it was resized), and had to acquire a new set.

And didn't Jango get a new dent when he got ran over in the Geonosis arena?

This all just goes to show you that with dozens of different authors, across multiple mediums, over the course of 20 years, there are going to be many stories. With the only criteria of canonism being "in a Lucas-authorized publication", they are technically all canon and we just have to pick the one we like and go with it.
Why do people ignore what the previous posts say?
Yes, Jango hitting his head is an homage to the stormtrooper from ANH.. but that's not where the dent came from. (It came earlier in that scene!)

And size matters not! (nor does shape)... as I said: Other props and costumes that made their way from the prequels to the orginal trilogy are NOT the same shape or size either! Eg. Anakin's Ep3/Luke's ANH lightsaber!

This is meant to be the same Helmet/dent! It's not a concindence! They don't have those in Star Wars! Every frame is intended to be specific! If Lucas intended to give Jango a dent (almost) exactly the same as Boba's in the original trilogy, he wouldn't have done it saying "let's just give him a dent too.... in his COMPLETELY DIFFERENT helmet".... he would more likely say "Let's give him a dent so we can explain where Boba's dent came from"
Why do people ignore what the previous posts say?
Yes, Jango hitting his head is an homage to the stormtrooper from ANH.. but that's not where the dent came from. (It came earlier in that scene!)

And size matters not! (nor does shape)... as I said: Other props and costumes that made their way from the prequels to the orginal trilogy are NOT the same shape or size either! Eg. Anakin's Ep3/Luke's ANH lightsaber!

This is meant to be the same Helmet/dent! It's not a concindence! They don't have those in Star Wars! Every frame is intended to be specific! If Lucas intended to give Jango a dent (almost) exactly the same as Boba's in the original trilogy, he wouldn't have done it saying "let's just give him a dent too.... in his COMPLETELY DIFFERENT helmet".... he would more likely say "Let's give him a dent so we can explain where Boba's dent came from"

I don't reckon I follow you
I don't reckon I follow you
Sorry? Which part?

I was just making a point that they wouldn't have given Jango even a "similar" dent unless they intended it to be the same one, as a nod to the original trilogy.

The idea is that, yes it looks a little different in size and shape to Boba's but so do other items in the movies that are intended to be the same item, from movie to movie. That's why I used the Anakin/Luke lightsaber as a comparison. Same lightsaber... different size and details from one movie to the next.
If you look at the dent, and you think about the battle between Vader and Fett... didnt Vader hit him on the helmet with the end of his saber hilt? I mean, being as he has robotic/superhuman strength, he could have done that kind of damage to a durasteel helm. Just a thought...
I think if Lucas wanted to point to Jango's dent being the same as Boba he would have done a better job of showing how Jango's dent happened, and the dents would have looked the same. After all Jango's helmet was made from scans of a Boba helmet, so they did have access to the helmet to use as reference - if needed.
If you look at the dent, and you think about the battle between Vader and Fett... didnt Vader hit him on the helmet with the end of his saber hilt? I mean, being as he has robotic/superhuman strength, he could have done that kind of damage to a durasteel helm. Just a thought...
Vader never fought Boba Fett.... remember... if it didn't happen in the movies... it didn't really happen.

Thanks for the pictures Silver Fett... but again, I make my point... different movie... different prop.... same intended helmet!
If you guys really need it in order to understand what I'm getting at, I will post some pictures of Anakin's Ep3 lightsaber and Luke's ANH lightsaber to emphasize what I mean!
The dent might be in a slightly different spot and be a slightly different shape.... but it IS intended to be the same helmet!
I think if Lucas wanted to point to Jango's dent being the same as Boba he would have done a better job of showing how Jango's dent happened, and the dents would have looked the same. After all Jango's helmet was made from scans of a Boba helmet, so they did have access to the helmet to use as reference - if needed.
P.S. AGAIN... luke's lightsaber is not exactly the same as Anakin's... and they have access to TONS of Graflex flash tubes! Couldn't they have made Anakin's look exactly the same as it did in ANH too?

The intention IS there.
The exact same prop was used for Darth Maul's half saber as was used for Mace Windu's lightsaber in EP2, did Mace steal Maul's saber and replace the crystal inside? I don't think so. Just because something is remotely close in this mixed up universe doesn't mean the pieces fit together.

Sure they dented Jango's helmet, but if they intended it to be the same dent, they would have put it in the same general area.
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