Darthmillers FP V3 armor


Well-Known Hunter
Well....I am working on my personal FP V3 armor at the same time I am doing the JB project. Its kinda fun doing an ESB for Jeremy the same time I am working on ROTJ for myself.

anyway...here are a few pics....still have a long way to go on the weathering!!

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and a look at my new mannequin...thanks to Spideyfett for my new pose!!

lots of work still left on my knees, shoulders and some final weathering on the armor

should be done by next week

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the secret on these is to use a Boring Bit to drill the hole

I actually put the resin part in the knee to add support and then drilled with the boring bit right through the knee and then the resin piece

here is a example of the drill bit I used

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I've been dying to see darts installed in these ! That's awesome Jason ! Doesn't look like it was too bad, huh?



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