Interet thread and suggestions, STUNT ROTJ Blaster


Active Hunter
ROTJ STUNT Blaster is a go, master nearing completion

Hi gang!
With the success of the Scout blasters, I've been talked into doing a Fett Blaster amongst the others I'll be offering. No pics as of yet, and I only need to know interest and suggestions .
By that, I mean, of course, who's interested, and how would you like to see the make up of the blaster?
Rubber stock, resin bracket, rubber body?
All firm rubber?
Etc. . .
This will of course, affect the cost.

I can say, that an all rubber ROTJ model would run between 120 & 150. They would be finihsed, and shipped at a price in that range.

Now, even without the suggestions, the master will be DONE at the end of this week, and the run will begin next week. So, if you are interested, be sure you'll be able to buy!!!

I'll also let you know runs would be ongoing through the year, probably in bursts of 10-15.

Thanks! I look forward to working on this if enough folks are interested!!!
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AlsoI'm interested in a ROTJ EE-3 blaster . prefer hard/rubber..but either way put me down, pending price/pics..thanks interested also in any trooper blaters if available...:cheers
i'd say you REALLY want to use something hard / strong for the bracket that connects the stock.

even on my hyperfirm (which had a reinforced frame), it was a bit wobbly there.
Like some of the others have said, a firm rubber blaster, no resin and possibly reinforced with aluminum at the bracket.

Depending on the master, you can count me in!:)
Of course! The major worry on that is how to the barrel end/MMP. i'm thinking thin walled PVC.
But, I've solved the issue of the bracket. It will be rubber, but reinforced with solid plastic square rodding. While the risk of breakage is present, using metal would raise the cost further than I'm willing to sell. :confused
But, until the master is done, I'm keeping an open mind.
I've solved the issue of the bracket. It will be rubber, but reinforced with solid plastic square rodding. While the risk of breakage is present, using metal would raise the cost further than I'm willing to sell. :confused
But, until the master is done, I'm keeping an open mind.

i'd say you REALLY want to use something hard / strong for the bracket that connects the stock.

even on my hyperfirm (which had a reinforced frame), it was a bit wobbly there.

Why not sell them in 3 pieces? Then the buyer can decide on the bracket. Easier to ship that way too. Might have to compare spec on your bracket to 4242's though. Just an idea... I don't know much about rubber blasters, to be honest. Seems like a good idea to me.

Well, I'm happy that you guys are really as excited as I am about this. I'm halfway throught he ROTJ blaster, and I'm coming to the scope, which is the easiest part, and thought I'd ask . . .

Waht would you guys think about the chopped half scope??? YOu can view it in the visual dictionary, and the famous pull out poster.
I'm always up for doing something different, and I thought this would be cool.

Holler your thoughts!
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