JB Project/Rangefinder circuit


Well-Known Hunter
I was charged with the task of building the rf circuit for Jeremy's helmet. I was honored and excited to be asked to be a part of this project. I had an original design, that incorporated an external microswitch in the ear to activate, and external battery to power it. We wanted the board for Jeremy to have everything contained except for the battery, which we will wire down the stalk. So, I did away with the microswitch, and decided to go with a tilt switch to mount on the board and be contained in the rf topper. My old design did not revise very well, so I re-designed the circuit and board all together. The nice thing is, I should be able to add the battery on the board in the very near future so it will be an all contained unit. Here are some progress pics-

First off, I re-signed the circuit. Less parts and much easier to lay out than the old design. Here it is, built in the breadboard-

Now that I verified it works well, and made the necessary component values to achieve the sequence I wanted(about 1 cycle per second), I laid it out and built into the perfboard-

Next, I am adding in the tilt switch and wire to run down the stalk. Then I will trim the perfboard to size, cutting out the excess. Then it ships to Spidey, for him to install in the topper and run the wire to a battery in the helmet. Hopefully he will be able to snap some new pics at that point.
Here are some finished pics. I have 2 boards ready to send to Spidey. Alex, I will call you later. Even got a teaser of what it looks like in a topper, a poorly recast topper even-


On a "ACCURATE" RF TOP, like the one supplied with the "FPH" helmet, the bottom portion of the range finder is clear, so the green L.E.D. would light up the HUD display and the the portiion of the visor directly behind it, this makes for a great effect! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

On a "ACCURATE" RF TOP, like the one supplied with the "FPH" helmet, the bottom portion of the range finder is clear, so the green L.E.D. would light up the HUD display and the the portiion of the visor directly behind it, this makes for a great effect! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I didn't know that. Thanks. This rangefinder will be awesome.
Thanks for the feedback guys. Yes, these will be available to the public soon. I do need to source a new tilt switch.....and finish re-modeling my bathroom, then I will start to offer them. I am also hoping to offer a "deluxe" version(battery source mounted to the board). Still working on it though
Electronics and I have an agreement; I don't try to assemble them, they work.

Is it too early to ask what you would be charging for one of these beauties?
Now that I can see these pics, I might try my hand at making my own! Is there a schematic for the wiring available? If this is 'protected info', I understand. :)
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