Santa brought me a spray booth!


Sr Hunter
Some assembly required...

Inspired by a question on the 501st NEG board about painting in the winter, and funded by a generous gift from my boss, I built myself a shiny new painting room in the basement.

This area used to be a coal room at one time (our house is 100 years old, back from the days of coal furnaces).

This section sticks off the side of the basement, and has a 6" raised concrete floor, making it an awkward corner in general. But there is a window right there, formerly used for coal deliveries.

Last winter I did a quick job over there to make it paint friendly. Replaced the window with plywood and put in an industrial strength fan, vented out through said plywood.

This year I finished the job :)

Here is the corner with the floor down. the floor was real simple.... 2x3s on the flat with 1/2 plywood (19/32 if you REALLY want to quibble) on top. It's on a concrete slab, so it's not like I really needed to build a load bearing floor.


Here is the old wall that used to be in that corner. In my rush to build, iI tore it out without first capturing it. When I ripped it out, I actually found coal from when that used to be the coal room, many many many years ago!


These are my walls to be. I used 2x3s rather than 2x4, since it is a small space and I wanted the extra couple of inches.


Initial framing:


Framed with rough wiring in place. Nothing fancy power-wise. 3 outlets on the walls. 1 switch to control the overhead light and 2 fans. The fan is a plug in type, so it goes into a switched outlet on the ceiling.


This used to be the window. I removed the glass and replaced it with plywood. The 2 silver tubes go up to the fans in the ceiling. Liberal use of spray foam and caulking ensure a nice tight seal all around.


Oooh, so industrial!


Here is one of the fans. Note that I used duct tape on a DUCT! Crazy, huh? The strapping on the ceiling is there because the heat pipe is *just* beyond flush with the surface of the joists... like, 1/8" or so. I could have squished the pipe insulation a bit and made it work, but having that gap seemed better, and it's only losing 3/4" of height or so.


Next is insulation. I only insulated the exterior walls, since I didn't want to spend another $30 on more pink stuff for the interior.


And last, the paneling. chosen for it's quality, durability and aesthetic appeal (ok, so chosen for price), we have faux oak paneling, $9 a sheet, on the walls and ceiling. Also chosen for the same reason is the lovely plastic accordion door.



You can see the paint on the older fan... so they definitely work. The inside of the fan assembly was NASTY! I've got to remember to clean them out more often!


The outlets are at an odd height. My feed wire was only long enough to get down to there (it used to be in the ceiling). I didn't want to re-run the line back to the breaker, nor did I want a junction box. So I just put the outlets a bit high. I did the other 2 that way as well, so that it looked vaguely intentional.



The room is 7' x 8' x 5.5' and there are 2 180 cfm fans in there, so more than enough power to keep me happy. The only down side is that you have to paint sitting down, since the ceiling is low. But that's ok. I can live with that :)

The last piece is some cheap peel and stick tile on the floor, since plywood alone will get really gross really fast.
Oh, man! I'd love to have one of those around. But, alas...I live in Florida. Any deeper than 4 feet and you hit water.

Good luck with your new room!

Wow! Nice!

Are those fans gonna do the job?

Just making sure we dont have a tragedy here.:)

Each one is a 180 CFM fan, and the room is 302 cubic feet total... so in theory it should be more than enough. I've been using that space for ages with plastic sheets closing it in and only 1 fan, and I live to tell the tale :)
Hope the neighbors don't start wondering why you exhaust fan ports coming out of your basement,:D or the police for that matter:lol:. That means only one thing around here;). Looks awesome though, very comfy.:thumbsup:
Brian that is AWESOME !!!

I did something very similar. But not to that extent. The reason I mention it, is I DID get neighbors checking me out when they smelled funny stuff coming from the vent fans :lol: So, yeah, you'll probably get some nosy nelly asking you what's up :lol:

Great job man. Oh, and I couldn't help but notice ... is that a "Panasonic" drill sitting there ?

if you ever need to do some painting in the cold, you're welcome to come by :)

thanks for all the nice words gang!

Well thank you very much for the offer..........Lemme know if that old foundation of yours gives you any trouble as I've done quite a bit of repair work on those old school new england basements.

Dude! That is awesome man.:thumbsup:
Just make sure you have enough ventilation going. Otherwise you'll
start imagining things like flying with-out your JP....hehe!:wacko
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