How to attach the Back Armor


Active Hunter
Might get time to attach my Cruzer back armor this weekend. Been scanning over some old threads and getting some general ideas of how to attach the back armor. Are you guys using snaps and/or velcro like the rest of the armor?

Also, how many JP attachment points are you using? I always see the top two attachments but also see a bottom one at times.

Finally, what kinds of harness systems are you making for the JP and how are your wearing it? Of those, which one is considered movie accurate for Jango?
If you want to go screen accurate, take a look at post #23 in this thread

If you don't want to go through that much trouble, just locate two snaps in place of the two footman loops and snap seen in the pics. It'll work just as well. You don't need to use velcro or snaps anywhere else because the jet pack will keep the backplate down.:thumbsup:
I use to snaps, side by side, near the front edge, on the top of the shoulders. The rest just hangs and is held in place by the JP. I use 2 nylon straps for the JP, with plastic clippy things. :lol:
..i used velcro on my first one. but i would it never used again. snaps are the better alternative. otherwise u will attach it on ur west more or less forever. without remove for wearing.
by my v.2 i dont use snaps or velcro. it keeps on by my harnish and the jet pack. i think it will work.... until i will made some adjustments. trimming the length etc...

my question is what is the best thing to epoxy snaps to your fiberglass so they dont come off?

Use a spare rectangular piece of styrene, drilled a hole through and attach a standard snap. Contact cement on the entire bottom half of the styrene piece and the spot on the armor. Join together and hold. For double reinforcement, apply fiberglass sheet matting over the styrene sheet and let dry.

Mind you, I used velcro for my back armor and don't have any problems with it.

For the harness setup, this is what i did for my Boba Fett:

My JP Harness Setup

Good luck! And Frank, thanks for the help with Craig's Clone parts. ;)

Stay safe,

in the pictures supplied by cruzer they almost look epoxied directly to the fiberglass as apposed to being secured to a piece of styrene first?
Use CA Glue made by Satellite City, and be sure to scratch up the fiberglass and the back of the snaps with some sandpaper for a good bond. If you put a nice thick bead of glue around the snap heads, you'll never have to worry about them popping off.:thumbsup:

in the pictures supplied by cruzer they almost look epoxied directly to the fiberglass as apposed to being secured to a piece of styrene first?
thanks there someplace that you can get that stuff easily or a website?

actually is this the right stuff and how much is a good quantity to get snaps on the armor needed to affix it all to the outfit? i was thinking of using it to afix the need shin and thighs too?
thanks there someplace that you can get that stuff easily or a website?

actually is this the right stuff and how much is a good quantity to get snaps on the armor needed to affix it all to the outfit? i was thinking of using it to afix the need shin and thighs too?

If you call the # on Satellite City's website.... CA Glue from Satellite City Instant Glues- Cyanoacrylate Glue ....they can give you the name and number of your nearest supplier.

For applying snaps, I'd use the two items pictured below. One bottle would be more than enough for attaching all the snaps to a whole suit of armor. The spray stuff is an accelerator you spray on the glue after applying it that immediately cures it...I highly recommend it as it cuts the drying time down to nil.

Be warned though, once you use this'll hardly use any other type of glue!:lol:


Yep - I swear by CA glue! MonCal introduced it to someone in our Garrison and the Gospel of CA spread like wild fire! :lol: I used one 2oz bottle to put together about 3 sets of Stormtrooper armor - stuff goes a long way! And very little dry time!

I've never used the excelerator - What happens if it gets (overspray) on ABS or styrene?
I agree, this stuff is amazing! It bonds to pretty much everything (i.e. metal, plastic, fiberglass, fabric, and even wood). It's kinda like super glue on steroids! You can also purchase the Super Solvent which will take the glue off things (like fingers), but Acetone does the same thing...or leave it on and it'll come off in the shower.

I've never used the excelerator - What happens if it gets (overspray) on ABS or styrene?
Nothing will happen, it just evaporates. You don't have to spay a lot, just a quick shot/light mist works. You can always wipe off the area if you want, but I never do.:thumbsup:
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so I have some leg/shin/foot armor to attach, and I ordered one of these. Are you guys still using this and how's it holding up after a few years? Do you guys think it's secure enough for the for the abuse it'll take just from casual use?
Nice resurrection ;)... yeah, I am using that one and the green bottle... basically I use the green bottle and stick the snaps down, then I put the yellow bottle around the snaps and spray it with the CA accelerant... it drys almost instantly and is hard as concrete.
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