More accurate Jango guantlet hose?


Well-Known Hunter
Just sharing a possible source for what looks like really good Jango hose.
Inner diameter is .25", outer diameter is .438". It's way more pliable than the Home Depot stuff (almost as pliable as auto fuel line hose). I ordered it from for .24 cents a foot (10 feet minimum order).:thumbsup:

Here's the link to the item:



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I would, but my wife has the camera with her. I used Royal Blue RIT Dye with a little bit of black. Boiled some water, poured it in a bucket. Poured in the dye, threw in the hose and left it for no more than a minute before it was ready. It's dark blueish purple but you can still see inside the hose a little bit. I rinsed it out in the sink and let it dry overnight.
Here's my process: I use Rit Denim Blue (liquid form). I fill up my bean pot 3/4 full with water. Bring the water to a boil. Move the pot to the sink. Add in the dye and mix gently. Use tongs to put 7' sections of cut hose in the dye bath. Take it out after about 30 seconds to check color and return it to the dye bath if I'm not happy with it. I keep up this process checking it every 15 second or so until I get the tint of blue I want. When I get the right tint, I rinse it immediately in water in the other side of the sink.

I've tested the Royal Blue, Navy Blue, and Denim Blue colors. I felt the Royal Blue was too bright and the Navy Blue was too purple for my tastes. I'll see if I can find some pics of how the Denim Blue turned out for me.:)

Here are two different applications on the Home Depot hose. The second was left in the dye bath a tad longer.


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How pliable is this new hose? I know the home jippo stuff scratches me.

About 10 feet is what you would need to do all 3 hoses.......

I like to cut my hoses to length bfore dying I think it helps consistency (spl)

Sorry answer and asking a few different Qs....
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