Is this a good Mystery helmet deal?

Vable Boba

Active Hunter
Hey there all. I'm new...well kind the whole fett costuming deal. I found this Mystery helmet on ebay, and i was wondering if this looks like a good deal, or a cheap knockoff. Thanks for any help you all have.

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I have heard.. I gotta be careful here! that that particular product 'may' not be as good a deal as you think? but with all purchases from the bay of fleas... you get what you pay for? :facepalm
I know others here may know of this person and his products and may want to chime in? :confused
First, it is against the CoC to post ebay auctions that aren't yours. Just trying to look out for ya.

Second, most "mystery" helmets on ebay are recasts. I don't want to venture out and say this one is because I don't know the seller, but it is generally true.

To be safe, I'd say stay away from it.
To be safe, I'd say stay away from it.

Yes, play it safe. If you stick around the forum a bit, you'll be able to find 'Mystery' helmets or 'Mystery-size' helmets from a range of sources (some not much more expense than the auction you're looking at now). And TDH is a tight enough group that you'll be able to get honest reviews of helmets and you'll know exactly what you're getting.
Removed Ebay link. Per the CoC:


Posting information and/or links to a live online auction (i.e. Ebay, Yahoo!, etc) is prohibited except when you are the seller in the auction.
Ok asok, I didn't know about that rule. I am sorry. I'll remember that from now on. Thanks :)

on another note, why is it called the mystery helmet anyway?
why is it called the mystery helmet anyway?

Because while the helmet's back ground (while being a 4th, 5th, 6th casting of a screen used/ production made) is a very "gray"/ unclear story, etc. (correct me if I am wrong here guys)

There's a few older threads here and there on the forum covering it, if you need more details.
I bought one from him. Aside from weighing ten pounds and needing an insane amount of work, the cast was horrible.
I 100% agree with Melvin Fett !!! not a good buy. this is a black resin cast that weighs around 10-12 pounds. don't let the gray color fool you, the resin he used is black. the gray is a primer that you have to sand. the black resin he used has got to be the strongest on the marked because I couldn't even cut it! I burned up all of my dremel bits trying to cut out the visor slot and didn't even get a 1/2 inch into it??? all of the ear pieces, range finder and stalk were also poorly cast with chunks missing out of the pieces. bottom your money. I would get a DP 96 or 97 Deluxe if you can find one or there are a few members here who make really good fiberglass buckets. stay off of "Fleabay"

ok guys, thanks for all the feedback. I will continue to go on the bay cuz there are good deals there, but there are definitely things i wont buy there. I am trying to decide if i'm going to just go ahead and build up my Rubie's helmet, or try for a dp 95 helmet and build that up. or even just use the rubie's as a test and go from there.

We shall see about that, and when i can REALLY afford it, go for the good stuff. Thanks again everyone.
Good to avoid that helmet. It would have taken so much work to fix it that I gave away a similar one I bought.

How tall are you? The DP 95 or 96 can be an ok base depending on your size. I would not do a Rubies only because the molds are bad and they are pretty misshapen from what I have seen. Still, there have been some people on the board who have done amazing things with them, just takes some extra work and talent.

There are other helmets you can find here that may fit your budget and artistic skills. Have a look around and you'll learn pretty quickly.

Welcome to the board!

Ok, here's a few pics i took of my helmet the other day...i've been working on it lately, and it's a lil different now. I also wanna point out the crack in the helmet, in two spots. I was gonna make it really presentable and clear them all up, then i realized: this is a fett helmet. it's supposed to be beat up. so i'm gonna leave the missing chunk under the left (if you're looking at it) eye, and only clean up the top part of the crack, above the red.

I have since glued the crack together, and i'll update as i progress.






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I was trying to figure out what is odd about some of your pics - I see now the first two are flipped around, in true Lucasfilm style LOL

The crack certainly adds to the over all beat up effect, but is it a structural problem? I mean, will it eventually turn into a bigger - and BIGGER - crack?
well, first off, i took the pics with my cell phone camera, and it decides when it's gonna take a normal pic :P secondly, the crack has been glued. however, i have an update. I just won a 95 Don Post bucket of ebay, and it was only 50 bucks, including shipping. so, i've decided to use the rubie's one as a test bucket, since i've never painted one before. thanks all :)
Good luck! There's a lot of good reference material right here. Try using the "Search" function as much as possible to see some examples of paint jobs. Another good resource is the Rogue Studios paint list under the "Armor" section. Check it out!
Many,many, many threads about this guys product on TDH. Yes, he is the former Amaidfilter, and if you search the links you will find many very unhappy people. He is rude, produces a crude product, shipping delays are common, and purchases have arrived in the past broken, due to poor packing/ shipping. He goes by Zombie Repellant now on eBay, due to bad rep of Amaidfilter, and if you e-mail him he gets very upset about you wanting to discuss what you buy on TDH. Read his feedback on this and other products and it tells the story. You can get a Sgt Fang for the same amount who produces a very superior helmet to this characters
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