Amo Pouches interst thread

The first set is done. Now for the record I look for really distressed leather because I'm a leather nut who love real grainy leather.
Here are some shots of the latest run but the leather is smoother in the photo. I will PM the person before shipping to confirm one last time of size before I set the snaps.
Thanks and enjoy the eye candy. hehehe

any chance you have not done mine yet...i found an alternate set and won't need these...if you have is anyone interested in havign them shipped to them instead? same price...60 to my paypal and robee can ship them off to you
Can you give us an estimate on when the rest will be out. Halloweeny is comming in less than 3 weeks and I'm wondering if I'll get it in time? ThX Robee!
I sent him a PM earlier today to see if he had sent mine out. I was second on the list, and I still haven't seen mine yet.

Anybody gotten their's yet?
i sent him a bunch of pm's telling him to cancel shortly after sending him cash cuase i was able to grab jimmy buffets extra seeker belt...still have not heard anything from him either...
I missed two orders from the 501st but they'll will be filled. I've been working my butt off trying get these done but no worries I'm not going anywhere. :)
Most of you should get these on tuesday or Wed.
New pouches went out they could land today please post if you got them.
Next wave goes out this weekend.
post pics when you get them!
I'm trying to have orders done and in your hands by holloween!
My pouches look fantastic! They are really great! BEYOND my expectaions!

My only issue is I ordered them back on August 29th and you told me they would be ready in 2 weeks... and I finally go them today (10/19). I don't mind since I am no where near finished, but I was worried at first.

I will be posting pictures later! ;)
Ah! yes,
1. The pouches themselves slide on.
2. There is one hole and one post to go through and the post is removable with a flat screw driver. You should have your full costume (bolo cords). Then measure how much you have to cut off to have the holes line up. But the post are movable and the keeper will cover the the post and keep the belt coming undone. Call me at if you have additional questions.
Here you go:

I'm always at one of those numbers
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