Rohlan Dyre Progress Thread -- Image Intensive


New Hunter
I decided to start a new project this week -- Rohlan Dyre from the KotOR comics. Let's see if I can stick with it long enough to actually finish. Maybe with a horde of Mandalorians edging me on, it might actually happen. ;)

It may sound like heresy, but I love the EU more than the OT or PT. And I've been totally digging the KotOR and Legacy comics -- so much, that I've decided to do a Rohlan Dyre costume. But with comics, you're always at the mercy of who's this month's artist when it comes to reference material. Dyre almost always has a different helmet in every picture...


Of all the different helmets, I like Harvey Tolibao's version the best from ish #18. It looks less like a bucket with a visor, and more organic and reptilian. On backpacks, though, I like Bong Dazo's from ish #19 better. I mean, heck -- any chance to wear a backpack with glowing green liquid jostling around in it, I'll take. ;)


So here we are, a few nights into the sculpt. There's still a few nights left to refine everything, but I won't be able to get around to it until later next week. The spikes on the back of the helmet are just sitting there -- I figure I'll probably sculpt and cast those separate from the helmet. It's almost symmetrical (as good as humanly possible, that is). I took a ton of pics earlier today to compare halves and check the center ridge line and other features. I found a few things I'm going to change a little, but for the most part I'm actually happy with it. I'm sure when I come back to it next week, I'll find more I want to change. LOL.


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OH MAN! When I opened this, I figured, "blah, another custom mando." This is fantastic. Please finish this, take your time, make it look fantastic.
Oh man this is great. I was hoping to start either the Tolibao version or the Brian Ching version (issue #16) this winter. I'll be looking forward to see more of your progress!

Here's a comparison pdf I put together a couple weeks ago.


  • rohlan-comparison.pdf
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Very nice job sculpting. It reminds me very much of my latest cutom mando. Wierd that I've never even seen any of these comics or there picture and I designed a simular helmet.
Again, Great work! Hope to see the entire suit!
Oh man this is great. I was hoping to start either the Tolibao version or the Brian Ching version (issue #16) this winter. I'll be looking forward to see more of your progress!

Here's a comparison pdf I put together a couple weeks ago.

Nice! What did you do your drawings in? Before I started, I did a couple pencil sketches before I started, but those look really nice.

Thanks for the feedback, everybody. :D I'll update as I make more progress. I'm planning on doing the helmet in fiberglass, but will be vaccing the armor. No idea what I'll do with the backpack yet, though.
I don't think you really get what he mean't by that. :facepalm

I do. No offense to custom anything -- I plan on doing a custom Mando someday -- probably something pulled from the Jango "Open Season" comics. But actually sculpting something from the ground up (IMHO anyway) is more fufilling to me. I wore my TK/TD for years and I always felt like everyone else. I ended up going a little overboard on my Tusken, though. LOL. I just like having my own stuff. *shrug*

NICE WORK!!!!! I love this helmet, and I espeically love the other sculpt I see in the side of your pictures. It looks like your quite the sculptor. Keep up the good work! (y)

I have more in my "Room of Projects I've Put On Hold Because I Don't Have Any Time." LOL. I've always wanted a Calamari, but the DP and Rubies masks suck hardcore. This sculpt is almost ready -- I wanted to do a little skin texturing and add a bit more detail. But I'm also scared to death to cast it, and I'm also not sure what to cast the finals out of. Plain latex will be floppy like a Dp/Rubies mask. Foam latex will be too heavy. I might try to do a really light self-skinning urethane foam and coat that with latex, so in the end it'd be more of a big foamy Muppet head, and I could use wire to open/close the mouth. And I'd be a Muppet. :D


That Mon Cal is the coolest. I wouldn't mind trying to sculpt, besides the fact that I'm well, not good at it.

Where do you get the supplies that you use to sculpt and cast these?
That is AWESOME! I love the KOTOR comics, and seeing someone bring a character such as rohlan and mandalore is pure joy.

Great work on the sculpture, also the Mon-cal ;-)
one thing, how are you going to approah the eyes? you will have to vacuum form them or something so that the match the curvature of the eye socket...
Dude, you're a master at this sculpting thing!(y)

Quick questions... what kind of clay are you using? How much, approximately, do you use for each mask? What tools do you recommend for the detail work?

Great job!(y):cheers

On the Calamari -- I was actually thinking about doing the eyeballs in acrylic. Black for the pupil, and then a tinted clear for the eyeball itself. And yeah, it'd have to be hollow. I'd love to have the eyes open/close, and I've gotten some good suggestions from Muppet Central on how to do that, so really, only time will tell how I do them. If I do make them open/close, I'll need to resculpt them closed, or half-closed.

On supplies -- There's a sculpture shop (Western Sculpting Supply) in Denver (they're old skool -- no website :() that I get most of my stuff from. They carry a huge variety of oil-based clay in varying hardnesses, and they're also a Smooth-on dealer. So I'm able to get all of my clay, tools, silicone, latex, and casting materials there. They even have a forge and do a lot of metalwork, there, so someday I may actually try to have a couple things cast in bronze just for pretty. I've also tinkered a bit with that gel Bondo stuff from Home Depot on my Guard helmet. But I didn't reinforce what I did with it, and after a year of sitting in the garage it fell apart. :facepalm


That was just a rough, though, so I wasn't too heartbroken about it. The real coming whenever I get the guts to do the final silicone mold for the sanded down master.


So there. I fell pretty good that I've hijacked one of my threads with 2 other subjects. Go me! :D ;)
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