Boba Fett Helmet Blueprints/Templates

I just want to go on and on again about how awesome these templates are. Not finished yet... not by a long shot, but getting there.

I've got some progress, and some questions. First off, I'm wondering if I was supposed to cut of the area of the dome that I highlighted in red. It seems too tall, and that's a problem. Also, is there any way to get rid of the point at the top of the dome? After I put bondo on it and sand it off I'm sure it will look fine, Just wondering if there was a way to get rid of it before that.

Also, any input from you senior TDH members? As I said before, this helmet will be far from perfect, But I still want to make it pretty good, so any advice will help. Thanks guys.




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I've got some progress, and some questions. First off, I'm wondering if I was supposed to cut of the area of the dome that I highlighted in red. It seems too tall, and that's a problem. Also, is there any way to get rid of the point at the top of the dome? After I put bondo on it and sand it off I'm sure it will look fine, Just wondering if there was a way to get rid of it before that.

Also, any input from you senior TDH members? As I said before, this helmet will be far from perfect, But I still want to make it pretty good, so any advice will help. Thanks guys.

Yes, cut it off but only what you need. The amount to cut is relative to your material thickness, so cut some and check it out before you glue it. To get rid of the point at the top of the dome, you can glue a round piece of cardboard to the tips of the triangle shaped pieces. That will pull them together and eliminate the point. Or you could make the point end of the triangle sections the center of the pattern. It would end up looking like fan blades. If you do it this way, do it in 4 sections. Below is what I am talking about.
When I made mine, I too noticed that the dome is too tall. I printed my templates at full size ( 100 percent ), and I removed 5mm from the bottom of the dome. It looks pretty darn good now.

Hey everyone,

I'm kind of new here been lurking for a while and everything you have done has done nothing but impress me.

I was so impressed I started to work on a scratchbuilt helmet from the templates. Unfortunately while making a cardboard mockup of the outer shell i realized that the pattern was too small for me. Is there anyway to enlarge the template in the pdf?

Hey everyone,

I'm kind of new here been lurking for a while and everything you have done has done nothing but impress me.

I was so impressed I started to work on a scratchbuilt helmet from the templates. Unfortunately while making a cardboard mockup of the outer shell i realized that the pattern was too small for me. Is there anyway to enlarge the template in the pdf?


"Just how big a fella are you?" :) Just stealing a line from comedian Roy D. Mercer...seriously, I'm 6 foot, 220 pounds with a HUGE 23" noggin, and Alan's patterns fit my skull, with room to sure to see if you have the "fit to page" option checked...or the printer options....I printed mine to fit the page at 100%, and it fits's a pic o' mine in the process of being painted (with the wrong silver:angry)...



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I removed about the same amount from the bottom edge of my dome too - 5mm or so. Funny the difference such a small amount can make. Actually - come to think of it, I didn't remove it from the dome... I took it off the top edge of the mask "skirt". It just happened to be easier to cut. Didn't matter none. Six of one, a half dozen of the other.
"Just how big a fella are you?" :) Just stealing a line from comedian Roy D. Mercer...seriously, I'm 6 foot, 220 pounds with a HUGE 23" noggin, and Alan's patterns fit my skull, with room to sure to see if you have the "fit to page" option checked...or the printer options....I printed mine to fit the page at 100%, and it fits's a pic o' mine in the process of being painted (with the wrong silver:angry)...


Very cool looking bucket. I always thought Boba's helmet looked rather knight-like.


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Put yer sunglasses on. Sorry about the offensive colour... it was all I had on hand to seal the surface with. Anyway, just thought I would post another couple pics. I wanna tell ya... cutting out those slots in the keyhole jobby was tricky. By the way, I found a piece of plastic pipe of just about the same curve as the inset piece. I cut it from that and then just glued my heavy paper cutout of the "slots" over it. I intend to use it as a guide for cutting them out after it is cast in resin.


Nicely done. Reminds me... I've really got to take some updated picks of mine. It's almost ready for primer, just need to do a final sand on the dome and then add the brow triangles.
Thanks for reminding me... I almost forgot about those pesky little triangles. I for one would like to see updated pics of your bucket.

hi i am new here and i started making my helmet. so far ive glued the templates to card board and cut them out. after i put the helmet together do i make a fiberglass mold of it then cover the mold in sintra or what.

i'd be realy happy if some one can answer this:jet pack:zam
Some plan to make molds of their scratch built buckets, I on the other hand simply am making one out of plastic. Their's no need to make any molds unless you have plans to re-make your helmet out of resin or fiberglass.

If top coated with a resin or polyurethane, I'm sure that a cardboard bucket would serve well until you could afford to purchase a higher end helmet.

My sons helmet is made entirely out of cardboard, and I'm going to coat it with polyurethane to seal it before priming and painting.

After I wasn´t satisfied with my first helmet, I´m making a new one.
For the dome I used another skater helmet which I trimmed like the baseball helmets.
For the rest I used aluminium sheets 0.8mm thick.
Only the upper cheeks are made of 1mm sintra.









Hey about stickying this damn thread? I keep having people ask me where to find it, and I'm always looking it up....can you put it where we can find it easily?:)
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