Montross and other stuff..


New Hunter
Since I'm doing my custom armor inspired by Montross, I was wondering if anyone has done a guide for Montross' armor.

I was also wondering if their is a problem not wearing a bucket? I'm working on finding one that will fit me. I'm also looking at my idea of a modified Republic Commando bucket, since it will be about the same amount of credits.
There's plenty of pics of mando's sans helmet. I don't think you need a helmet to prove your character is Mandalorian, however the helmet does add a menacing effect to the overall costume.
im with novall on this...the helmet isnt esential but it makes the costume all the more effective and menacing with one.
Since I'm doing my custom armor inspired by Montross, I was wondering if anyone has done a guide for Montross' armor.

I was also wondering if their is a problem not wearing a bucket? I'm working on finding one that will fit me. I'm also looking at my idea of a modified Republic Commando bucket, since it will be about the same amount of credits.
What version are you doing?
From the comics? Or from Bounty Hunter? (The game about Jango Fett)
ok i think there is something wrong here...the main page says that novall was the last message to be made on here...but there are 3 inbetween mine now...and novalls at 8:36...and this isnt the only thread thats like that
What version are you doing?
From the comics? Or from Bounty Hunter? (The game about Jango Fett)
I'm thinking of the video game as inspiration. Might look at doing Montross next, but for now my Kyr Dragen persona is inspired by him. Figures I came up with my mando name after I registered here, with an Imp persona I was working on.

As to the bucket, I do plan on doing one. I'm just probably going to be without it at DC. I might look at doing the bucket and carrying it with me as GCNgamer128 suggested. But, given I've a repainted Nerf Longshot as my primary weapon might not be able to. I'll post some pics of my armor, etc when I get them done and find where I should post them here. lol.
I'm thinking of the video game as inspiration. Might look at doing Montross next, but for now my Kyr Dragen persona is inspired by him. Figures I came up with my mando name after I registered here, with an Imp persona I was working on.

As to the bucket, I do plan on doing one. I'm just probably going to be without it at DC. I might look at doing the bucket and carrying it with me as GCNgamer128 suggested. But, given I've a repainted Nerf Longshot as my primary weapon might not be able to. I'll post some pics of my armor, etc when I get them done and find where I should post them here. lol.
If you are doing the Bounty Hunter version of Montross, then holding your helmet at your side would be a good idea. Being that you do fight him as a boss late in the game, and several times earlier, and he wears his helmet in the last fight. I would also advise that you DO NOT use the Nerf Longshot, that gun has been overused by custom mandos, and it seems every single one of them have them now. Not to mention it wouldn't match the weaponry that Montross used in the game.
If you are doing the Bounty Hunter version of Montross, then holding your helmet at your side would be a good idea. Being that you do fight him as a boss late in the game, and several times earlier, and he wears his helmet in the last fight. I would also advise that you DO NOT use the Nerf Longshot, that gun has been overused by custom mandos, and it seems every single one of them have them now. Not to mention it wouldn't match the weaponry that Montross used in the game.

;)It's a good gun, that's why we use it. If he wants to use it let him, the more mandos that use it as their weapon the more it looks like a weapon they manufacture/primarily use.
I'm not going to be Montross, I'm just using his look from the game as a basis for my custom armor.

Instead of the Longshot, what do you suggest I use then? I personally think it makes for a good Star Wars like blaster rifle.
I'm not going to be Montross, I'm just using his look from the game as a basis for my custom armor.

Instead of the Longshot, what do you suggest I use then? I personally think it makes for a good Star Wars like blaster rifle.

Mate when it really boils down to it, it's your custom, so you can do whatever well you please. My longshot when i painted it up to match my armour caused 4 other people in my group to go out and buy one. They really look great when painted up the right way and given some slight weathering. Best part about a Mandalorian that Isn't a main character is that you can do whatever your imagination wants. Just try to be different and unique, and you will do fine.

Let us know how it goes, montross was seriously nasty news, so if you are basing your character roughly around him try to go intimidating.
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