Mandalorian Mercs Custom Mandalorian Costume Club.

Well on your website, you tell everyone to bump this thread because you're the only one posting in it.

Actually no, I'm not telling...I'm encouraging them to. If they want to post in the thread then that's fine, if not then they arn't made to. Posting the same thing over and over again to me is like spamming, just keeping the thread alive every now and then isn't.

If/when I'm asked to make a new thread then I will.
i thought clay and gcn were both in mercs...why are they bashing a promotional thread for it...not trying to instigate...just been outta the loop for a lil bit...send me a PM someone
I'm not bashing. It's just that this thread doesn't seem to get any interest, so a repeated bump by its creator gets kind of annoying. The creator of the thread also posts on another board of his ownership to, "bump the thread because he is the only one who posts in it."

When my threads are dead and no one visits them, I let them die; not resurrect them.
ive seen new people on the mercs that ive seen posting in TDH for a good advertisement/interest must still be up there...would you recommend to novall to make a brand new thread with the same subject to encourage custom mandalorians to check out his site? or would it be more convenient to just use the same one for the same purpose? either way...its better to tell him in PMs and not make a fuss about it on the forums imho
ive seen new people on the mercs that ive seen posting in TDH for a good advertisement/interest must still be up there...would you recommend to novall to make a brand new thread with the same subject to encourage custom mandalorians to check out his site? or would it be more convenient to just use the same one for the same purpose? either way...its better to tell him in PMs and not make a fuss about it on the forums imho
And I didn't, you sparked a fuss, good job.
Sticky requested.

The thread gets little posting interest, but generates quite a bit of interest about the club just like how the TDH banner on our site generates interest for TDH. It should always be encouraged that clubs work together, IMHO that keeps the attitude levels to a minimum.

Anyhow thanks for the sticky idea.
We are currently running an art contest for forum members to come up with our region emblems.

We are offering free Mandalorian Mercs t-shirts and hoodies as prizes! Everyone is invited to participate, but in order to do so you must be a forum member (It's the only way we can track entries at this time). So hop on over and take part in this great contest!
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